To enhance transparency, CEFTA has introduced several online tools to enhance openness, facilitate trade, and streamline regulatory processes:
  • Trade Portal - The Trade Portal, which is a comprehensive online platform designed to facilitate trade and investment within the CEFTA region and with third countries.
  • SPS Database - The SPS Database, which gives relevant information about sanitary and phytosanitary measures relevant for trade in food and agricultural products.
  • TBT Platform - The TBT Platform, which provides information on technical requirements across CEFTA.
  • MABD - The Market Access Barriers Database, a tool that helps to address non-tariff measures.
  • BTI Database - The BTI Database, a platform that aggregates all the information related to the Advance rulings (tariff description and classification) from the CEFTA Customs administration.
  • Services Regulatory Database - The Services Regulatory Database platform, a functional exchange information platform at regional level, which increases transparency and ensures smooth supply of services across the region.
  • Statistical Portal - The Statistical Portal, which provides data on many aspects of trade.
  • Market surveillance - The Market surveillance, a database that compiles data on unsafe products in CEFTA.
  • Authorized Economic Operator - The Authorized Economic Operator Database, a tool crucial in facilitating trade and reducing bureaucracy for traders within CEFTA.