Trade regime

In this part of Cefta Web Portal, you may find the trade regime system, in each Cefta Economy. Trade Regime includes: 1.A general trade status of each Economy, focused on the main trade agreements agreed by each Economy; 2.A short list of prohibited goods on import and export; 3.A general description of customs duties and other import taxes rates; 4.A List of quotas on import and export for each Economy. If you want to know more about each Economy trade regime systems please refer to the trade regime part of that Economy.

WTO status and membership in other trade associations

Moldova has been a member of WTO since 26 July 2001. The commitments of the Republic of Moldova adopted by the Working Group on Moldova's accession to WTO (WT/ACC/MOL/37/Add.2 of 23.02.01) and ratified by the Moldovan Parliament by Law no.218-XV of 1 June 2001 as an organic law. This has brought new opportunities, responsibilities and challenges for enterprises, traders and authorities from Moldova within the global economy.

During and after this process Moldova started a long road of harmonization of legislation in conformity with international rules and WTO. As such, Moldova's trade regime is in accordance with International trade regulations.

Laws and Regulations

The Law regulating the licensing of entrepreneurial activity no.451-XV/30.07.2001, the Nomenclature of the Republic of Moldova adopted through Government Decision No. 1525 of 29.12.2007, Law no. 1380 of 20.11.1997 on Custom Tariff.


Ministry of Economy, Ministry of Finance, Customs Service.


Moldova has a liberalized export regime for goods. Exports have no taxes or any other restrictive measure. There are no quotas, prohibitions or other restrictions on export.

In accordance with the Law regulating the licensing of entrepreneurial activity no.451-XV/30.07.3001, export of the following types of goods is licensed:
- scrap and waste of ferrous and nonferrous metals, batteries, used batteries, including processed state;
- substances that deplete the ozone layer and the equipment and products containing such substances;
- arms and ammunition, organic weapons, sporting and / or hunting, shooting, training, decoration, collection and self-defense;
- the cryptographic and technical means of protection of the information, technical resources for the attainment of hidden information.


Moldova has a liberalized import regime for goods. However, the import of goods detrimental to human health, flora and fauna, and to the integrity and national security of the Republic of Moldova is prohibited by law.

Import of the following types of goods is licensed:
- ethyl alcohol, alcoholic beverages and imported beer; - tobacco items, tobacco and fermented tobacco;
- plant protection products and fertilizers;
- toxic chemical substances and materials, household items and chemicals, production, substances that deplete the ozone layer and the equipment and products containing such substances;
- arms and ammunition, organic weapons, sporting and / or hunting, shooting, training, decoration, collection and self-defense;
- the cryptographic and technical means of protection of the information, technical resources for the attainment of hidden information;
- perfumes and cosmetics;
- gasoline, diesel and / or liquefied gas filling stations.

The classification of goods in foreign trade is classified in accordance with the Harmonized System on codification and description of goods HS 2007 and Common Combined Tariff of European Union, at the 8 digit level. In this way, the Nomenclature of the Republic of Moldova, adopted by Government Decision No. 1525 of 29.12.2007, transposes both mentioned at the 8 digit level.

Import taxes are settled by Law no. 1380 of 20.11.1997 on Custom Tariff and are applied within the limit of bound taxes negotiated within the World Trade Organization. Custom tariff parameters are kept at the same level as previous years i.e. the simple average customs tariff is approximately 5.67% and weighted average - 4.3%. Moreover, the simple average customs duties on agricultural products comprise approximately 12.65% and on industrial products - 3.95%. However, custom tariffs are set only for 50% of tariff lines to other lines duty being established at level "0". In compliance with the principles of transparency, import applied tariffs are annually notified to the WTO Secretariat, according to the approved schedule - until September 30 of each year.  The level(s) of customs duties are settled based on the Combined Goods Classification Nomenclature of 12 digits, which is fully in compliance with European Commission Combined Nomenclature. Tariffs with CEFTA economies and European Commission economies are 0%.

Moldavian import duties includes import value added tax of 20% (VAT) and some special products such as: tobacco and cigarettes, alcoholic beverages, gas and oil, perfumes etc. are subject to excise tax. Excise taxes are ad valorem and fixed tax. There is only one restriction on import, which includes import quotas from CEFTA economies. These quotas are connected with Origin and Free Trade Agreements with the respective economies. There are quotas which limit the quantities of goods imported with 0% import duties, if goods have origin from Serbia, Croatia, Macedonia and Montenegro. If these quotas are reached, then respective goods can be imported but subject to regular import duties. Import quotas under CEFTA economies.


Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Moldova;
Piaţa Marii Adunări Naţionale 1 str., MD-2033,
Chisinau, Republic of Moldova
Phone: (+373 22) 250-554