Commitments under the CEFTA-2006
The CEFTA 2006 is a preferential trade agreement signed on 19 December 2006 in Bucharest, Romania. Its implementation began on:
- 26 July 2007 for Albania, North Macedonia, Montenegro, Moldova and Kosovo*;
- 24 October 2007 for Serbia; and
- 22 November 2007 for Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The CEFTA Parties committed to establishing a regional economic area with the objective to decrease the costs of trade and production by eliminating market access barriers. Pursuant to Articles 3, 4, 5, and 6 of the CEFTA 2006, trade in goods between the CEFTA Parties must be free from:
- Quantitative restrictions on imports and exports and measures having equivalent effect (Article 3 of the CEFTA 2006);
- Customs duties on exports, charges having equivalent effect, and import or export duties of a fiscal nature (Article 4 of the CEFTA 2006);
- Any new Customs duties on imports, charges having equivalent effect, and import or import duties of a fiscal nature. CEFTA Parties also committed not to increase the Customs duties already applied as from the day preceding the signing of the CEFTA 2006 Agreement (Article 5 of the CEFTA 2006); and
- Customs fees in excess of the approximate cost of services rendered (Article 6 of the CEFTA 2006).