The CEFTA Binding Tariff Information (BTI) Database
The CEFTA Binding Tariff Information (BTI) Database, which was launched in 2020, is a regional platform that aggregates all the information related to the Advance Rulings (i.e., tariff description and classification) from the CEFTA Customs administrations. Once the CEFTA Parties’ BTI decisions are published, they are also available on the CEFTA BTI Database, meaning that the regional database contains BTI data from 7 databases administered by the Customs authorities of the CEFTA Parties.
The CEFTA BTI Database provides businesses and other interested stakeholders with an opportunity to view currently-valid BTI decisions issued by the CEFTA Parties. The CEFTA BTI Database ensures transparency and predictability for businesses, as well as providing a guarantee for the equal treatment of traders in their dealings with the CEFTA Customs authorities.
The CEFTA BTI Database is available to traders and Customs officers for searching, consulting, and viewing.
More information is available here.