General information

The Customs value is the value of the goods imported or exported from the Customs territory of the CEFTA Party. The Customs value is vital for charging the Customs duties and other taxes that must be paid to the Customs Administration of the CEFTA Parties. Customs valuation is the process of assessing the actual value of the transaction in order to fix the Customs value (taxable value) of the traded goods. 


The Customs value corresponds to the transaction value of the goods, including all the costs incurred, for example the commercial price, transport and insurance costs, until the first point of entry in the import destination. In general, the Customs value is calculated using the transaction value (i.e., the price actually paid or payable for the imported goods). 


In certain cases, the transaction value of the imported goods may be subject to an adjustment, which would involve additions or deductions. For example: 

  • Commissions or royalties may need to be added to the price;  
  • When there is no agreement between the trader and the Customs authorities on the transaction value of the goods and, therefore, the Customs value must be constructed or computed; or 
  • The internal transport (from the entry point to the final destination in the import destination) may be deducted. 

It must be noted that the Customs law of the importing CEFTA Party may allow the Customs authorities to waive the requirement of all or part of the Customs value where: 

  • The Customs value of the imported goods of a given shipment does not exceed a specified amount, provided that the goods are not split into multiple shipments from the same sender to the same receiver; or 
  • The goods being traded are of a non-commercial nature; or 
  • Where the Customs duties applicable under the respective Customs law are not chargeable pursuant to specific Customs provisions.