Health and consumer protection requirements for animal products and plant products
The EU has established strict health and consumer protection standards for animal products and plant products to ensure food safety and quality. Key areas of focus include animal health, plant health, food safety, chemical control in food, and marketing standards.
Products must:
- Originate from approved countries and, where applicable, approved establishments;
- Undergo rigorous health inspections; and
- Present appropriate certificates upon entry.
For a comprehensive overview of EU requirements on health and consumer protection for animal products and plant products in the EU, please check the dedicated webpageon the EU’s Access2Markets website.
The EU employs an origin-listing approach to mitigate risks and facilitate the export of specific products. In this context, CEFTA exporters to the EU should carefully consider whether the origin of their traded products is listed, allowing the importation of the relevant product into the EU.
a. Animal products
The EU only allows imports of animals and animal products from non-EU origins (including products from aquaculture) that are specifically listed in certain EU legal instruments:
- Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/404 laying down the lists of third countries, territories or zones thereof from which the entry into the Union of animals, germinal products and products of animal origin is permitted in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/429; and
- Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/405 laying down the lists of third countries or regions thereof authorised for the entry into the Union of certain animals and goods intended for human consumption in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2017/625.
Relevant products will need to originate from an EU-approved establishment.
The EU’s Trade Control and Expert System (TRACES) system allows to search for establishments approved by the EU to export certain animal products.
For more information on the import rules for animals and animal products, please check the EU’s Access2Markets dedicated website, and the dedicated page detailing the entry conditions for animals and animal products of the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety (DG SANTE).
b. Plant products
Plants and plant products imported into the EU from non-EU origins must generally be accompanied by a phytosanitary certificateto ensure that they are free from pests and diseases. This certificate is issued by the plant protection authority at origin. While some exemptions exist, particularly for certain fruits and scientific purposes, the primary goal is to protect European agriculture. Additionally, import prohibitions apply to plant products from areas categorised as having a specific risk.
To check if your product is subject to these or other requirements, please check the pagededicated to trade in plants & plant products from non-EU origins of the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety (DG SANTE).
c. Control of chemical substances in food and feed
The EU imposes strict regulations on food and feed safety, particularly regarding residues of veterinary medicines, pesticides, and contaminants. Products imported into the EU must adhere to these standards. Compliance with relevant rules and regulations is essential for successful exports to the EU.
The list of origins with approved residue control plans for animals and relevant animal products is set out in Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/405.
For more information on the import rules for products subject to residue control plans, please check the EU’s Access2Markets dedicated website and the dedicated page regarding residues of veterinary medicinal products of the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety (DG SANTE).