
In this part of the CEFTA Web Portal you will find the most important customs import/export procedures separately for each CEFTA Economy. Procedures include but are not limited to: 1.The location of customs clearance offices; 2.The working hours in each office; 3.The procedures to follow based on the destination of your goods; 4.The documents to present to customs authorities for obtaining approval for the relevant destination; 5.The officially approved documents given to you by customs authorities in each case; 6.The procedures followed by customs authorities for calculating the customs value of your goods; 7.The definition of rules of origins determining customs preferential or non preferential tariffs; 8.The Free Trade Agreements signed by each CEFTA Economy with the other signatories. In cases where the final destination of goods is one of the CEFTA Economies, please refer to the import procedures section of this Economy on this portal. In cases where goods transit through different economies before arriving to their final destination, please refer to the transit procedures of these economies. If goods exit one of the CEFTA Economies included in this site, please refer to the export procedures for the relevant Economy.



Rregjimi i Magazinimit te perkohshem trajtohet ne nenet 75-78 te Kodit Doganor, dhe ne nenet 112-117 te Dispozitave Zbatuese te tij.

Organet kompetente per dhenien e rregjimit eshte Dega Doganore qe do e ndjeki rregjimin.

Mallrat konsiderohen nen Rregjimin e Magazinimit te Perkohshem, nga momenti i paraqitjes se mallrave ne dogane deri ne momentin e marrjes se nje destinacioni doganor.


Mallrat e vendosura perkohesisht ne keto zona nuk mund te pesojne ndryshime, por ne cdo rast mund  te kryhen operacione vetem per ruajtjen e tyre te pandryshuara, pa modifikuar pamjen e jashtme apo karakteristikat teknike te tyre.

Mallrat nen magazinimin e perkohshem ruhen vetem ne zonat doganore ose ne zonat e lejuara per kete qellim nga dogana. Koha e qendrimit ne keto zona eshte 5 dite per mallrat e transportit rrugor/hekurudhor, dhe 10 dite per mallrat e transportit detar.

Ne pergjithesi nuk ka nevoje per garanci gjate kesaj kohe, por dogana edhe mund te kerkoje pagimin e garancise.

Dogana eshte pergjegjese per kryerjen e procedurave te nevojshme ne respektim te aftave te permendura me larte, ose kryen transportimin e mallrave ne nje vend tjeter te miratuar prej tyre, me koston dhe riskun e mbajtesit te mallit.


Per informacion me te detajuar referojuni:

Drejtoria e Pergjithshme e Doganave
Drejtoria e Regjimeve Doganore
Rruga e Durresit, Laprake, Tirane
Website: i perkohshem