
In this part of the CEFTA Web Portal you will find the most important customs import/export procedures separately for each CEFTA Economy. Procedures include but are not limited to: 1.The location of customs clearance offices; 2.The working hours in each office; 3.The procedures to follow based on the destination of your goods; 4.The documents to present to customs authorities for obtaining approval for the relevant destination; 5.The officially approved documents given to you by customs authorities in each case; 6.The procedures followed by customs authorities for calculating the customs value of your goods; 7.The definition of rules of origins determining customs preferential or non preferential tariffs; 8.The Free Trade Agreements signed by each CEFTA Economy with the other signatories. In cases where the final destination of goods is one of the CEFTA Economies, please refer to the import procedures section of this Economy on this portal. In cases where goods transit through different economies before arriving to their final destination, please refer to the transit procedures of these economies. If goods exit one of the CEFTA Economies included in this site, please refer to the export procedures for the relevant Economy.


Postupak uvoz

Robu, koja se unosi iz inostranstva, za koju nije predviđeno oslobođenje od plaćanja uvoznih dažbina, carini  unutrašnja carinska ispostava u redovnom postupku. Stranka u carinskom postupku je lice na osnovu čijih zahtjeva se vodi carinski postupak. 

Dokumenta za uvoz robe

1. Single Administrative Document (SAD) as a regulated form and used as a written customs declaration. It has to be signed and contain all information necessary for the application of the regulations regulating the import of goods.
2. Import invoice is a document on the basis of which delivered goods are paid, and it is issued by the seller of goods. The invoice specifies the date of issue, quantity of goods, description and characteristics of goods, unit price presented in agreed currency and measurement units, total value of goods, the place of dispatch, the date of the invoice, the address of the buyer, signature of the seller etc.
3. Transport documentation regulates the shipping and transport of goods. The most important documents regarding transport are the following:
- CMR;
- railway consignment note (CIM);
- bill of lading;
- air waybill (AWB).
CMR contains information about: the sender's company, the recipient company, a detailed description of the goods, the markings of the vehicle, transport costs and customs duties, as well as a list of documents attached to the waybill.
4. Certificate of origin is not a mandatory document, but it is of essential importance for the importer because it indicates possible preferential origin of goods in the economy of the importer and thus reduces the costs for customs clearance. The certificate of origin is issued by competent authority from the economy of origin of the goods.
5. Veterinary or phytosanitary certificate (for agricultural products) is a mandatory document that must accompany goods of plant or animal origin, which provides that the package meets the specific requirements. (See:  Phytosanitary/Veterinary Regulations Chapter).
6. In general, the import of goods into Montenegro is free. However, the import of certain types of goods requires a import license due to their specific nature.
1. SAD/border (attachment/form: SAD_MNE-LCL-M1-2-1-AF1-V1-0511 JCD
2. CMR (attachment: MNE-CMR)
3. Import license  (attachment: MNE-Import license)

1. Jedinstvena carinska isprava (JCI) je propisan obrazac i koristi se kao pisana carinska deklaracija. Ona mora da bude potpisana i da sadrži sve podatke neophodne za primjenu propisa kojima je regulisan uvoz robe. Pravilnik o obliku, sadržaju, načinu podnošenja i popunjavanju carinske deklaracije i zbirne prijave detaljno propisuje način popunjavanja ovih isprava. 

2. Faktura je dokument na osnovu koga se plaća isporučena roba, a izdaje je prodavac robe. Faktura specificira datum izdavanja, količinu robe, opis i karakteristike robe, jediničnu cijenu izraženu u dogovorenoj valuti i jedici mjere, ukupnu vrijednost robe, mjesto otpreme, datum izavanja računa, adresu kupca, potpis prodavca  i sl.

3. Transportna dokumenta regulišu otpremu i transport robe. Najznačajnija dokumenta koja se odnose na transport su:

-kamionski tovarni list (CMR);
-željeznički tovarni list (CIM);
-brodski tovarni list;
-avionski tovarni list (AWB).

CMR sadrži informacije o: preduzeću pošiljaocu, preduzeću primaocu, detaljan opis robe, oznaci vozila, troškovima prevoza i carina, kao i spisak dokumenata koja prate tovarni list.

4. Uvjerenje o porijeklu robe je dokument koji nije obavezan, ali je od posebnog značaja za uvoznike jer ukazuje na moguće preferencijalno poreklo robe u zemlji uvoznici i samim tim umanjuje troškove carinjenja robe. Uvjerenje o porijeklu izdaje nadležni organ zemlje porijekla robe.

5. Veterinarski ili fitosanitarni sertifikat (za poljoprivredne proizvode) je obavezan dokument za robu biljnog ili životinjskog porijekla, koji obezbjeđuje da pošiljka ispunjava specifične zahtjeve (više o tome u poglavlju: Fitosanitarni /Veterinarski propisi).

6. Generalno, uvoz robe u Crnu Goru je slobodan. Ipak za uvoz pojedinih vrsta robe potrebna je uvozna dozvola zbog njihove specifične prirode. 


1. JCI za uvoz 

2. Veterinarski/fitosanitarni dertifikat

3.  CMR

4. Uvozna dozvola



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