
In this part of the CEFTA Web Portal, you will find information on the trade licensing system separately for each CEFTA Economy. The licensing system is divided into two parts: import/export licensing and trade licensing. This web portal focuses on import/export licensing. Trade licensing is mentioned only as a reference. Import and export licensing includes: 1.The procedures to be followed for obtaining an import and export license; 2.The documents that must be presented to the relevant authorities in order to obtain the approval of the license; 3.The official documents you will receive after obtaining approval of the license; 4.The validity period and scope of each license. If you would like to know more on how/when/where to obtain an import license, please refer to the import license section of the respective CEFTA Economy on this portal. If you would like to know more on how/when/where to get an export license please refer to the export license section of the respective CEFTA Economy on this portal. If you would like to know more about trade licenses, please refer to the relevant links in the licensing section of each Economy.

Царинската управа на Република Македонија има главна дирекција и 5 регионални царински дирекции (царинарници) со над 40 царински испостави. Работното време на царинските испостави на граничните премини е непрекинато (24 часа/седум дена во неделата) за патнички промет. Што се однесува до стоковиот промет, неколку царински испостави на главните гранични премини работат непрекинато, додека другите имаат определено работно време, прикажано на интерактивната мапа ( достапна на сајтот на Царинската управа.