Sanitary and Phytosanitary & Veterinary regulation

In this part of the CEFTA Web Portal you will find the most important sanitary, phytosanitary and veterinary control procedures to be followed for each CEFTA Economy. The information about the control procedures includes but is not limited to: 1.The location of sanitary, phytosanitary and/or veterinary control offices including working hours in each office; 2.A description of sanitary, phytosanitary and/or veterinary procedures; 3.The documents asked by the respective authorities in order to obtain approval for entering, transiting or exiting the territory of the respective CEFTA Economy; 4.The officially approved documents issued by the respective authorities; 5.A description of the official procedures for sampling. In cases where the final destination of goods is one of the CEFTA Economies included in this web portal, please refer to the sanitary, phytosanitary and/or veterinary import procedures of that Economy. In case your goods exit the territory of one of the CEFTA Economies included in this web portal, please refer to the sanitary, phytosanitary and/or veterinary export procedures relevant to that Economy.

Laws and Regulations

Imports of plants into Kosovo* are regulated by Administrative Instruction no. 16/2006 and Law on Plant Protection. AI no 16/2006 regulates as well tariffs for inspection of export/import of plants products. More information on plants and plants protection can be found on,722,0,731,a and

Special conditions for importers and exporters

 Inspection Point (IP)

- Hani I Elezit  ( kufi me Maqedonin)
- Vermicë( kufi me Shqipëri)
- Kulina  (kufi me Malin e Zi )
- Porta 1/Jarinje (kufi me Serbinë)
- Porta3/  Mendare (kufi me Serbinë)
- Porta 5/Dheu i bardh (kufi me Serbinë)
- Porta  31/ Zubin Potok    (kufi me Serbinë)
- Aeroportin Ndërkombëtarë të Prishtinës në Sllatinë
- Stacionin e Trenit 


Working Hour



Zyra Qendrore

08-12h 14-15h (Hane- Mërkure -Premte)

+381(0)38/20038 334

+381(0)38551  921


Ne thirrje →

+381(0)38/200 38 334

+381(0)38551 -921

Stacioni i Trenit

Ne thirrje →

+381(0)38/200 38334

+381(0)38551 -921

Jarinje  G-1

04-20 h (Hane- Diele)

+381(0)64/412 25 38


Zubin Potok  G-31

08-20 h (Hane- Diele)

+381(0)64/386 57 60



08-20 h (Hane- Diele)

+381(0)38/502 005

+381(0)38/502 005


08-20 h (Hane- Diele)



Import / Export / Re-exsport / Transit procedure


Import of plants into Kosovo* shall be permitted if the importer has been issued the import permit by the competent body of the Ministry if:

• shipment of plants shall be imported through determined BCP/CCP  which have phyto-sanitary service;
• BCP/CCP should meet the requirements designated for conducting health checks of plant consignments. In order to obtain a permit for importing plants the application for import permit should be filled in at the veterinary and food agency.

Consignments of plants presented in List V.B.I., their packaging and means of transport must undergo the mandatory check of the phytosanitary  inspection, which verifies that:

• the plant consignment is accompanied by the Phytosanitary Certificate
• there are no harmful organisms presented in List I.A and II. A in the plant consignment
• the plant consignment does not contain any organism harmful to plants, plant products and other objects presented in List II.A.
• the plant consignment satisfies specific phytosanitary requirements pursuant to List IV.A.

Any plant consignments under paragraph 1 point (a) of this article shall be accompanied by the original phytosanitary certificate of its country of origin or the complemented phyto-certificate when plant consignments must satisfy specific phytosanitary requirements in compliance with Lists IV. A and IV.B. issued by the economy  from which they come from which is different from the economy of origin.

For plant consignments under paragraph 1 of this article, which after being issued the phyto-certificate in the economy of origin, are transported, stored, repacked or split up in a country other than the economy of origin, the original phyto-certificate or its notarized copy should be accompanied by the re-export phyto-certificate issued by the other economy.

Any other plant consignments shall undergo inspection checks, if the phytosanitary inspector suspects that there is a risk for spreading of plants harmful organisms.

The plants from the List V.B. imported for the purpose of examination and scientific research for selection must be checked by the phytosanitary inspection and should have the import permit pursuant to article 18 of the Law on Plant Protection, accompanied with the phyto-certificate issued by its economy of origin.

Importers, transporters, or their representatives and physical persons who import plants in Kosovo* are obliged to regularly inform the phytosanitary inspector on the arrival of the consignment which is imported or repacked during the transport, in order to undergo the phytosanitary check;

Customs service authorities cannot start customs procedures before the phytosanitary inspector checks any plant consignment under paragraph 1 point (a) of this article and issues the import permits, except in cases of transit consignments.

An Administrative instruction regulates tariffs for phytosanitary services.


Plant export may be carried out when:

• plant consignments that is being exported are of Kosovo* origin, while the economy where they will be exported requires phytosanitary certificate; prior to issuing phyto-certificates, the phytosanitary inspector inspects the consignments, in order to ensure that it meets the phytosanitary requirements of the economy where the consignment is to be exported.
• plant consignment that is being exported is not of Kosovo* origin, but is stored, repacked and split up in Kosovo*, while the economy  where it will be exported requires phyto-certificat; prior to issuing re-export phyto-certificates, the phytosanitary inspector inspects the consignment, in order to ensure that it meets the phytosanitary requirements of the importing economy.

Re-export phyto-certificate is considered official document, whereby the phytosanitary inspector confirms that the requirements are met.

The application for phyto-certificate is submitted by the exporter to the phytosanitary inspector, who is obligated to perform the inspection check and to take a decision based on exporter’s application.

The exporter at his own expenses shall apply all the measures set out by phytosanitary inspector after the inspection of the plant consignment intended for export.


The transit of plants and plant products is permitted if:

• for plant consignment in transit the inspection control under article 27, paragraph 1 point (a) (b) (c) and (d) of the Law on Plant Protection is not obligatory
• plant consignments shall be packed in such a way that there will be no risk of spreading harmful organisms and shall not be stored, split up, repacked or combined with other consignments in the customs 
• plant consignments which do not comply with legal provisions or in case they are unloaded, shall be inspected

As an exception to legal provisions, the Ministry can designate special treatment or obligatory inspection checks of consignments in transit in cases of risks or well-grounded suspicion of entry or spreading of harmful organisms.


Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Development
Department of plant protection
Tel: +386 38 211 133

Bulevardin "Bill Clinton" p.n. në Prishtinë
Tel: +381 (0)38/540-350
+381 (0)38/541-032
+381 (0)38/541-030