Economy | BTI Reference | Nomenclature code | Validity Start Date | Validity End Date | |
Serbia | 5056/2024 | 8418999000 | 11/04/2024 | 11/04/2027 | |
Serbia | 5055/2024 | 8418999000 | 11/04/2024 | 11/04/2027 | |
Serbia | 5054/2024 | 8418999000 | 11/04/2024 | 11/04/2027 | |
Serbia | 5053/2024 | 8418999000 | 11/04/2024 | 11/04/2027 | |
Serbia | 5052/2024 | 8418999000 | 11/04/2024 | 11/04/2027 | |
Serbia | 5051/2024 | 8418999000 | 11/04/2024 | 11/04/2027 | |
Serbia | 5050/2024 | 8418999000 | 11/04/2024 | 11/04/2027 | |
Serbia | 5049/2024 | 3105100000 | 12/04/2024 | 12/04/2027 | |
Serbia | 5048/2024 | 8516797000 | 11/04/2024 | 11/04/2027 | |
Serbia | 5047/2024 | 3824999300 | 12/04/2024 | 12/04/2027 | |
Serbia | 5046/2024 | 3824999300 | 29/02/2024 | 28/02/2027 | |
Serbia | 5045/2024 | 3824999300 | 29/02/2024 | 28/02/2027 | |
Serbia | 5044/2024 | 3824999300 | 29/02/2024 | 28/02/2027 | |
Serbia | 5043/2024 | 3824999300 | 29/02/2024 | 28/02/2027 | |
Serbia | 5042/2024 | 1517109000 | 12/04/2024 | 12/04/2027 | |
Serbia | 5041/2024 | 3004900091 | 12/04/2024 | 12/04/2027 | |
Serbia | 5040/2024 | 3004900091 | 12/04/2024 | 12/04/2027 | |
Serbia | 5039/2024 | 9018908400 | 29/02/2024 | 28/02/2027 | |
Serbia | 5038/2024 | 3808911000 | 12/04/2024 | 12/04/2027 | |
Serbia | 5037/2024 | 3808919000 | 12/04/2024 | 12/04/2027 |
Total number of records: 2086
Total number of records: 2086
Last update:
Albania: 18/03/2022
Bosnia and Herzegovina: 06/12/2023
North Macedonia: 31/05/2024
Moldova: 20/10/2021
Montenegro: 20/10/2021
Serbia: 27/06/2024
Kosovo*: 18/03/2022