Bosnia and Herzegovina
Regulation on the control of Salmonella and other specified food-borne zoonotic agents
The Regulation on the control of salmonella and other specified food-borne zoonotic agents (hereinafter referred to as: the Rulebook) provides for the implementation of proper and effective measures to detect and control salmonella and other zoonotic agents at all relevant stages of production, processing and distribution, particularly at the level of primary production, including animal food, in order to reduce their prevalence and the risk they pose to public health.
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Decision on the conditions of facilities of products of animal origin
Decision On the conditions that must be fulfilled by the facilities for slaughtering animal, treatment, processing and storing of products of animal origin
Animal health; Food safety
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Law on food 2
The Law lays down general principles of safety and quality of food and feed along the food chain. Defines responsibilities of all stakeholders and establishes the Food Safety Agency. Shall not be applied for production, handling or storage of food and feed aimed for home consumption.
Animal feed; Certification, control and inspection; Food safety; HACCP Plan requirements; Labelling
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Decision on microbiological contamination
This decision prescribes implementation of obligatory measures in facilities approved for animal slaughter, handling, processing and storing products of animal origin for the purpose of reducing microbiological and other types of contamination of meat, meat products and other products of animal origin with the intention of safeguarding human health.
The purpose of the prescribed measures is improvement of efficiency of the veterinary public health system of controlling food products of animal origin with the intention of safeguarding human health.
Biological control agents; Food safety
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Law on genetically modified organisms 2
Regulates the contained use, cross-border transmission, deliberate release into
the environment, and placing on the market of genetically modified organisms and products,containing, consisting of, or originating from genetically modified organisms
Food safety; Genetically modified organisms; Territory protection; Traceability
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Decision on residue monitoring
Maximum residue limits (MRLs); Pharmaceutical products
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Rulebook on general labelling
The Rulebook on general marking or labelling of pre-packaged foodstuffs (hereinafter: the Rulebook) shall lay down general requirements, the method of labelling or designation pre-packaged foodstuffs in circulation, which is, without further processing, intended for the ultimate consumer or mass catering facilities as well some rules relating to the presentation and advertising of the foodstuff.
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Ordinance on food additives
Regulates use, type and quantities of additives in food, qualities and their safety.
Food additives; Food safety
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Decision on ban of import for the purpose to prevent TSE into BIH
Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathy (TSE)
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Rulebook on food for special dietary use
Conditions to be fulfilled in order to alow marketing of special types of food for people with particular dietary needs, babies, infants and small children
Human health; Labelling; Tolerance exemption
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Regulation on protection of animals on farms
The Regulation on standards to be met by farms and standards for the protection of animals on farms (hereinafter: the Regulation) lays down:
a) the standards that must be met by farms with equidae and ungulates with more than 20 livestock units and farms of poultry and rabbits with more than 10 livestock units;
b) the conditions for the protection of animals bred and/or kept on farms;
c) the procedure for farm registration;
d) the content, form and manner of keeping the farm register.
Animal welfare
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Rulebook on food irradiation
Conditions for production, processing and distrubution of food preserved by irradiation. Description of types of food which are allowed to be irradiated.
Food safety; Irradiation
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Regulation on the requirements for using food additives
The Regulation on the Requirements for Using Food Additives in Food Intended for Human Consumption (hereinafter: the Regulation) sets out to define the use and requirements for the use of food additives in food (hereinafter: the food additives), their quality and the specific purity criteria, including all other requirements for food additives and their compounds to be used in food production and business.
Food additives; Food safety
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Decision on veterinary and health exaamination of animals and animal products
This Decision regulates the manner of completion of the following:
a) veterinary and health examination of animals before slaughtering (hoofed animals, ungulates, poultry, rabbits and raised game); raw material of animal origin (meat of hoofed animals, ungulates, poultry, rabbits, game, fish, milk, eggs, honey, crayfish, shells, snails and frogs); products of animal origin (of meat, milk, eggs, fish, crayfish, shells, snails and frogs); facilities and equipment for slaughtering animals; facilities and equipment for treatment and processing of meat, fish, crayfish, shells, snails, frogs, milk and eggs and facilities and equipment for their storing;
Certification, control and inspection
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Rulebook on food enriched with nutrients
On added vitamines, minerals, novel food and novel food ingredients and functional food. This rulebook also relates to production of food for special dietary use, GMO food, additives and enological practices.
Beverages; Human health; Labelling; Tolerance exemption
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Rulebook on quick frozen food
Procedures for quick freezing as well as for conditions for storage, transportation, retail, catering, Also, conditions for control and self-control.
Food safety; HACCP Plan requirements; Labelling; Packaging
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Rulebook on analytical methods for strong beverages
Sampling methods and physical and chemical analysis of alchocolic beverages and strong spirits.
Certification, control and inspection
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Instruction on sampling for analysis and super-analysis of food
1. Sampling for the analysis of foods and items of general use, and the inspection of the health safety of these foods and items of general use, shall be performed in a manner and under the conditions defined by these Instructions.
2. The employees of the administrative body competent for the inspection of health safety of foods and items of general use (hereinafter: authorized employees), shall take samples for the analysis of foods and items of general use in the presence of the representative of the organization of associated labour or another organization, the owner, or another person who independently participates in the production or the trade of foods and items of general use.
In the case of health safety inspection of imported foods or items of general use, the authorized employees shall take samples in the presence of the responsible employee of the customs office.
3. By rule, two samples for the analysis of foods or items of general use shall be taken. If the person from Item 2, Paragraph 1, of these instructions requests so, the authorized employee shall be obliged to take a third sample which he/she shall leave, along with one copy of the sampling record, to the owner of the foods or items of general use, from which the samples were taken.
Certification, control and inspection; Food safety
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Rulebook on active and intelligent matherials in contact with food
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Regulation on the requirements of microbiological safety to be met by foodstuff in trade
Certification, control and inspection; Food safety