SPS Database

Origin of Document Title Publish date Description Keywords
Kosovo* Ordinance on raw materials in animal feed 28/02/2006 Defines quality standards, package, labeling and preservation of raw materials of the animal’s compound feed Animal feed
Kosovo* Ordinance on quality of artificial fertilizers 01/08/2006 On quality, labeling, packaging. Labelling; Packaging; Plant health
Kosovo* Ordinance on criteria for sampling and testing of wine 02/06/2006 Certification, control and inspection
Kosovo* Ordinance on fees for veterinary health border inspection 18/05/2006 For control of live animals, consignments of foodstuffs of animal origin, as well as other products containing additives of animal origin, sperm, for breeding, embryos, incubation eggs, animal feed, raw material and additives which will be used in feed production, consignments of Veterinary medicinal products and other products that may spread any contagious disease and may present hazard to human and animal health. Animal health; Certification, control and inspection
Kosovo* Ordinance on MRLs of veterinary drugs 18/05/2006 Veterinary drugs
Kosovo* Ordinance on fees for phytosanitary border control 25/07/2006 Inspection of the seed, fruits, vegetables, odd our, saplings mushrooms, dried fruits additives of plant origin earth nuts food of plant origin tobacco unprocessed products of plant origin, or those which have undergone simple preparations of mechanical processing, as it is Flour, fruit Juice Vegetable oil, Industrial food ,unprocessed fodder, fertilizer, pesticides and other substances in phytosanitary field.
Kosovo* Ordinance on Quality Control of Animal Feed Material and Additives 13/09/2006 Animal feed; Certification, control and inspection; Feed additives
Kosovo* Ordinance on placing of live animals in quarantine 21/09/2006 Animal diseases; Animal health; Certification, control and inspection
Kosovo* Ordinance on quality standards and grade of fresh milk 13/09/2006 Chemical and microbiological standards for fresh milk of bovine, ovine and caprine origin. Certification, control and inspection
Kosovo* Ordinance on animal welfare 01/06/2006 On animal pening ,conquesting , stunning , killing and slaughtering , bred and kept for meat production ,leather , hair and other Products , as well as killing methods with aim to control their disease Animal welfare
Kosovo* Ordinance on marketing authorization of veterinary drugs 01/06/2006 Provisions apply to all veterinary products, including veterinary medicinal products, veterinary immunological products and any other products for animal use intended to be placed in Kosovo* and either prepared industrially or manufactured by a method involving an industrial process. Animal feed; Animal health; Certification, control and inspection; Feed additives; Labelling; Packaging; Veterinary drugs
Kosovo* Ordinance on erradication and control of foot and mouth disease 01/06/2006 Any domestic or wild animal of the suborders Ruminantia, Suina, and Tylopoda (fam. Camelidae) of the order Artiodactyla. Animal diseases; Foot and mouth disease
Kosovo* Ordinance on erradication and control of bluetongue disease 27/12/2006 Animal diseases; Bluetongue
Kosovo* Ordinance on transport of live animals 01/06/2006 Animal welfare
Kosovo* Ordinance on marketing authorisation fees for veterinary medicinal products 27/12/2006 Veterinary drugs
Kosovo* Ordinance on control of classical swine fewer 27/12/2006 Classical Swine Fever
Kosovo* Ordinance on prevention of TSE 27/12/2006 Animal diseases; Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy(BSE); Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathy (TSE); Zoonoses
Kosovo* Amendment of theOrdinance on Authorization for Certification of Plant Protection Products 01/06/2010 Certification, control and inspection; Modification of content/scope of regulation; Pesticides
Kosovo* Ordinance on labelling 01/06/2005 Labelling
Kosovo* Ordinance on the phytosanitary certificate for plants and plant products 01/06/2011 ON ASSESSMENT FORM AND CONTENT OF DATA TO THE PHYTOCERTIFICATE FOR EXPORT, RE EXPORT AND PHYTOCERTIFICATE ON THE INTERNAL MOVEMENT OF PLANTS, PLANT PRODUCTIONS AND OTHER FACILITIES Certification, control and inspection; Plant health
Total number of records: 1210