SPS Database

Origin of Document Title Publish date Description Keywords
Kosovo* LAW ON ANIMAL WELFARE 23/03/2005 The law regulates keeping, caring, housing, breeding, transportation and other issues related to animal welfare. Animal welfare; Certification, control and inspection
Kosovo* Law on wine 23/02/2005 With the aim of regulating production and distribution of grapes and the production of wine, the production and the distribution of wine and other products produced from the processing of grapes and wine. Certification, control and inspection; Food safety
Kosovo* Law on livestock 14/10/2004 "This Law regulates issues concerning: a. livestock breeding, here under the establishing of Center for Animal Breeding, and preservation of original breeds; b. livestock feed materials; c. quality standards concerning classification and grading of on-farm produced livestock products sold to the processing industry; and d. zootechnical standards for livestock keeping. " Animal feed; Animal health; Certification, control and inspection; Feed additives
Kosovo* Law on veterinary 30/07/2004 The purpose of this Law is to regulate the combating and prevention of infectious animal diseases, veterinary medical practice, the circulation of products of animal origin, veterinary control of the import, the export and transit of live animals and products of animal origin, and determine the rights and obligations of public and local government institutions, as well as of individual persons, in this field. Animal diseases; Animal feed; Animal health; Animal welfare; Certification, control and inspection; Veterinary drugs
Kosovo* Law on consumer protection 16/06/2004 This Law determines, regulates and protects principal consumer rights in their business deals, in services and other forms in the free market. The Law ensures protection of health, environment and economic interests of consumers. Certification, control and inspection
Kosovo* Law on planting material 29/04/2004 "Regulating the production and marketing of planting material of agricultural varieties, including hybrid varieties of forest seedlings " Certification, control and inspection; Plant diseases; Plant health
Kosovo* LAW ON THE SANITARY INSPECTORATE 17/12/2003 "With the aim of establishing legal grounds for the regulation and advancement of food quality control, the implementation of measures for fighting and eliminating contagious diseases, as well as performing the hygienic and sanitary control of industrial-food facilities, food trading, health, catering, pre-school, school, cultural, sports and recreational facilities, facilities for maintaining of personal hygiene, public facilities and public dwellings with the aim of protecting the health of the population;" Certification, control and inspection; Food safety; HACCP Plan requirements; Human health
Kosovo* Law on pesticides 16/10/2003 On manufacturing, import, export, distribution, sale and use of pesticides in Kosovo*. On licenses for: import, export, manufacture, operation of wholesale and retailer, applicator, on license fees. On advertisinfg of pesticides, register of pesticides, on inspection. Certification, control and inspection; Pesticides
Kosovo* Law on seed 15/04/2003 On the production and marketing of seeds of crop varieties, seedling and seed potatoes in agricultural production . Relating to imported and nationally produced seeds.Establishing a Variety Seeds List and providing information on application to enter the Variety Seeds List. On inspection. Certification, control and inspection; Labelling; Packaging; Plant health; Traceability
Kosovo* Law on plant protection products 07/11/2008 The purpose of this Law is the regulation of placement in the market and control of active substances of products for plant protection, authorization, circulation, use, residue in plants and plant products, record keeping of natural and legal persons included for placement in the market and use of products for plant protection, technical requests for equipment used for application and their elements, responsibilities of authority competent for implementation of this law and its monitoring. On authorisation of new plant portection products. On license for placing at the market of active substances. On inspection. On procedures for import of plant protection products. On authorisation of border phytosanitary inspection. Certification, control and inspection; Food safety; Maximum residue limits (MRLs); Pesticides; Toxins
Albania Food Law 28/01/2008 This law aims to establish the basis for ensuring a high level of protection of human health and consumer interests, pointing out that: a) the general principles and requirements of food hygiene and safety and animal foods, b) obligations of food business operators and food for animals, hygiene and safety of these foods, c) general requirements for food quality, d) general requirements for the registration of geographical indications and designation of controlled origin, d) general requirements for the labeling of foods and food for animals, f) general requirements from marketing food and food for animals; 's) general requirements from marketing new foods and foods of new for animals; h) official control system in food and feed, f) system authorized laboratories for analysis and reference laboratories; g) management of crisis and emergency, k) creating the National Food Authority, h) responsibilities of the National Food Authority for food and feed animals, produced in the Republic of Albania or imported and released in the market in the Republic of Albania. Certification, control and inspection; Equivalence; Food safety
Albania Law on identification and registration of farm animals and livestock 01/12/2000 Animal health
Albania Law on production, collecting, processing a DELETE 11/11/2005 Certification, control and inspection; Food safety; Labelling; Packaging
Albania Law on viticulture, wine and other grape-derived products 21/01/1999 Certification, control and inspection; Labelling; Packaging
Albania Law on production, processing and marketing of "BIO" products 26/02/2004 On issuing certificates for BIO products for food and feed. On fertilizers and pesticides allowed in organic production. Certification, control and inspection; Labelling; Pesticides; Territory protection
Albania Law on Veterinary Service of the Republic of Albania 29/09/2011 Animal diseases; Animal health; Animal welfare; Territory protection; Veterinary drugs; Zoonoses
Albania Law on the State Sanitary Inspection 02/12/1992 The State Sanitary Inspection controlls production, storrage, transportation and placing on the market of food, cosmetics, beverages, and food of animal origin at the market. Food safety
Albania Law on tobacco and tobacco products - DELETE 16/11/2000 Certification, control and inspection
Albania Decree on trade of animals and genetic material 11/04/2012 Establishes standards and requirements for tradeof animals and genetic material (purebred animals of the bovine species, semen, ova and embryos). Animal health; Certification, control and inspection
Albania Regulation on indentification and registration of flocks 02/10/2006 Certification, control and inspection
Total number of records: 1210