SPS Database

Origin of Document Title Publish date Description Keywords
Albania Regulation on materials in contact with food containing vinyl chloride monomer 23/10/2007
Albania Regulation on control of Trichinella species 01/10/2008 Animal diseases; Certification, control and inspection; Zoonoses
Albania Regulation on materials and plastic items to come in contact with food 27/12/2007 Certification, control and inspection; Packaging
Albania Decision on rights and duties of the state control inspectorate for seeds and seedlings 25/04/2002 Certification, control and inspection; Plant diseases; Plant health; Seeds
Albania Decision on certification of the planting material 25/04/2002 Certification, control and inspection
Albania Desion on changes in regulation on registration of animals and holdings 19/02/2009 CHANGES IN THE DECISION NR.320, 19.3.2008 Certification, control and inspection; Modification of content/scope of regulation
Albania Regulation on milk and milk products 05/08/2008 On technical requirements and standards which must be met in production of milk and milk based products Food safety
Albania Decision on norms for collection of raw milk 05/08/2008 Food safety
Albania Decision on labelling of food products 10/10/2008 Food safety; Labelling
Albania Amendments to various laws and regulations 11/05/2009 Contains: -Changes in the Law on food, No 9863,from 28.1.2008 -Amendments to Law no. 9441, dated 11.11.2005 "On the production, gathering, processing and marketing of milk and milk-based products - Changes in the Law no. 9308, dated 4.11.2004 " On veterinary inspection" -Changes in the law nr.8411, dated 10.01.1998 "For animal feed" - Changes in the law nr.9426, dated 6.10.2005 "On livestock farming" -Amendments to Law no. 8944, dated 09.19.2002 " On olive oil" -Amendments to Law no. 9199, dated 26.2.2004 "On the production, processing, certi marketing of "bio" " - Ammendment to Law No. 8732, dated 24.1.2001 "To plant seeds" - Amendments to Law no. 9362, dated 24.3.2005 "For plant protection service" -Amendments to Law no. 8531, dated 23.9.1999 "On Control of fertilizers" -Amendments to Law no. 8691, dated 16.11.2000 "On the production and marketing of tobacco and cigarettes " -Amendments to Law no. 8880, dated 15.4.2002 "On the rights of the plant breeder" - Animal feed; Animal health; Animal welfare; Food safety; Modification of content/scope of regulation; Pesticides; Plant health; Seeds
Albania Law on plant protection service 24/03/2005 The purpose of this law is to: a) protect plants and plant products from pests, b) to prevent the entry and spread of parasites in the territory of the Republic of Albania, c) to protect the health of humans, animals and the environment from the use of products for plant protection, d) ensure the implementation of international agreements in the field of plant protection. Article 2 Biological control agents; Certification, control and inspection; Pests; Plant diseases; Plant health; Territory protection
Albania Decission on the system for animal identification and registration of farms 19/03/2008 Certification, control and inspection
Albania Decision on the operation of the animal identification system and registration of farms 28/01/2002 Certification, control and inspection
Albania Instruction on defining the public health requirements for products of animal origin intended for human consumption 15/06/2011 1. This instruction defines public health requirements for trade in products of animal origin intended for human consumption and in conjunction with pathogenic agents provided for in Regulation No. 6, dated. 03.07.2000 "Over the veterinary checks applicable in commercial exchanges of the Republic of Albania and the third for live animals and products of animal origin". Food safety
Albania Regulation on use of some sugars 30/03/2007 Certification, control and inspection
Albania Regulation on fruit juices and simillar products 07/12/2007 This Regulation shall apply to products: fruit juice, concentrated fruit juice, juice of dehydrated fruit, fruit nectars. Certification, control and inspection
Montenegro Regulation on the hygiene of foodstuffs 17/03/2006 On implementation of HACCP, risk analysis, on requirements regarding hygiene of export and import products, on hygiene in production units. Following provisions of the Regulation EC 852/2004. Food safety; HACCP Plan requirements
Albania Regulation on official veterinary control 31/07/2006 This Regulation lays down general rules for the performance of official controls to verify compliance with rules aiming, in particular, to: a) preventing, eliminating or reducing to acceptable levels risks to humans and animals, either directly or through the environment, b) guarantee favorable practices in the food trade for their animals and protect the interests of consumers, including labeling of food for people and animals and other forms of consumer information. Following provisions of the Reg EC 882/2004. Animal diseases; Animal feed; Animal health; Animal welfare; Equivalence; Food safety; Human health; Labelling; Packaging
Albania Order on methods to analyse food on mycoltoxins 29/09/2010 Provides sampling frequency, sampling size and methods for detection in different foodstuffs. Aflatoxins; Certification, control and inspection; Food safety; Mycotoxins
Albania Order on food additives other than colors and sweeteners 29/08/2011
Total number of records: 1210