SPS Database

Origin of Document Title Publish date Description Keywords
Serbia Regulation on training programme on animal welfare during the thansportation 04/10/2010 This Regulation prescribes the training program for the welfare of animals during their transportation, as well as closer to the content and manner of keeping the Register carrier animals ( referred to as the Register). Animal welfare
Serbia Regulation on authorization of transport of animals 11/04/2011 This Regulation prescribes the content of authorizations for transport of animals, and the elements to determine the long and short transport animals. Animal welfare
Serbia Regulation on shelters and pansions for animals 28/02/2012 These Rules shall prescribe the requirements for protection animal welfare in terms of space, facilities and equipment, which must be fulfills a shelter for abandoned animals (shelter) and pansions the pet ( pansion) how we treat animals in these facilities, the training program for the welfare of animals, content and manner of keeping records in shelters or houses, manner and means of collecting stray and lost animals and means of transportation and disposal of abandoned and lost animals. Animal welfare
Serbia Regulation on zoo and mini zoo conditions 08/10/2010 This Regulation lays down the detailed conditions to be fulfilled by the zoo and a mini zoo in terms of space and equipment for livestock and animal reproduction in captivity, isolation room for animals, protect animals from visitors and visitors from the animals, the implementation of the permanent protection of animal health, feeding and watering animals, keeping records of animals, animal care plan in the event of closure of the zoo and a mini zoo and maintenance facilities, storage space and equipment, as well as factors for determining the mini zoo. Animal welfare
Serbia Regulation on welfare of animals prior and during slaughter 01/03/2010 This Regulation prescribes the conditions and means of killing animals, how we treat animals prior to slaughtering, the method of stunning and bleeding of animals, conditions and method of slaughtering animals without prior stunning, and training programs for the welfare of animals at slaughter. Animal welfare
Serbia Regulation on Register and treatment of experimental animals 01/03/2010 This Regulation prescribes the requirements in terms of facilities and equipment that must be met by legal and natural persons carrying out experiments on animals and natural and legal persons and entrepreneurs who are engaged posture, reproduction and circulation of experimental animals for registration of animal experiments, the training program for the welfare of experimental animals, content and manner of keeping the Register of animal experiments, the application form for approval of the implementation of experiments on animals, the method of care and treatment of the animals in the holding, reproduction, use, transportation and traffic, the method of killing for each of the experimental animals andcontent and method of keeping records of, reproduction, circulation, Animal welfare
Serbia Regulation on feed for animals with special needs 01/06/2010 This Regulation prescribes the conditions that must be met with special food purposes to be used for feeding animals with special needs (the referred to as feed for animals with special needs), and the method of labeling foods animals with special purposes. Animal health; Certification, control and inspection; Labelling
Serbia Regulation on quality of animal feed 01/04/2010 This Regulation prescribes the requirements in terms of quality feed, as follows: categorization, physical, chemical, physico-chemical and nutritional properties; physical, chemical, physico-chemical and nutritional properties of raw materials, and the type and amount of raw materials; elements important technological processes are used in production and processing. Animal feed; Animal health; Certification, control and inspection; Labelling
Serbia Regulation on labeling, marking and advertising of feed 04/01/2010 This Regulation prescribes the requirements for labeling, marking and advertising feed. Animal feed; Animal health; Certification, control and inspection; Labelling
Serbia Regulation on quality of milk products and starter cultures 18/05/2010 This Regulation prescribes the requirements in terms of quality of milk products intended for consumption and starter cultures for dairy products (hereinafter Products), namely: classification, categorization and name; physical, chemical, physico-chemical and sensory properties as well as the composition of the product; physical, chemical, physico-chemical and sensory properties of raw materials, and the type and amount of raw materials, additives and other substances used in the production and processing of products; elements important technological processes are applied in the production and processing of products ; additional requirements for the labeling of products. Certification, control and inspection; Food additives; Food safety; Labelling
Serbia Amendments of the Regulation on quality of milk products and starter cultures 20/09/2010 Amendments of the Regulation that prescribes the requirements in terms of quality of milk products intended for consumption and starter cultures for dairy products (hereinafter Products), namely: classification, categorization and name; physical, chemical, physico-chemical and sensory properties as well as the composition of the product; physical, chemical, physico-chemical and sensory properties of raw materials, and the type and amount of raw materials, additives and other substances used in the production and processing of products; elements important technological processes are applied in the production and processing of products ; additional requirements for the labeling of products. Certification, control and inspection; Food additives; Food safety; Labelling
Serbia Regulation on quality of fish, crustaceans, molluscs, sea urchins, sea cucumbers, frogs, turtles, snails and other products 06/02/2003 This Regulation defines the quality and other requirements for fish, crustaceans, molluscs, sea urchins, sea cucumbers, frogs, turtles, snails and products , which must be met in the production and trade. The provisions of these Regulations relating to individual producers. Animal health; Certification, control and inspection; Food safety
Serbia Regulation on quality of minced meat and meat products 05/04/2012 This Regulation prescribes the requirements in terms of quality minced meat, meat preparations and meat products (products), namely: classification, categorization and name; physical, chemical, physico-chemical and sensory characteristics and composition of the product; physical, chemical, physico-chemical and sensory properties of raw materials, and the type and quantity of raw materials, additives and other substances used in production and processing of products, methods of testing the quality of the product; Elements of important technological processes used in the production and processing of products, packing and labeling of products. Certification, control and inspection; Food safety; Labelling; Packaging
Serbia Regulation on microbiological criteria for food 30/09/2010 This Regulation prescribes the general and specific requirements of food hygiene at any stage of production, processing and trade (hereinafter referred to as the microbiological criteria for food). Food additives; Food safety; Maximum residue limits (MRLs)
Serbia Regulation on specific veterinary-sanitary conditions of hygiene of food of animal origin 18/03/2011 This Regulation prescribes the veterinary-sanitary conditions, and the general and special conditions of hygiene of food of animal origin, which in terms of construction or reconstruction must meet the facilities in which activities are being slaughtered animals, production and distribution of food products of animal origin, as well as conditions hygiene of food of animal origin for all food business operators at all stages of processing and distribution of food of animal origin that are under his control ( referred to as the specific conditions of hygiene of food of animal origin). Certification, control and inspection; Food safety
Serbia Regulation on procedure for notification for control and prohibition of import of animal origine food 25/01/2012 This Regulation prescribes the manner and procedure for notification of shipment for control, and the procedure and measures for treatment of shipment which is prohibited import. The provisions of this Regulation shall not apply to shipments of food of animalorigin that is part of the passenger's personal luggage intended personal consumption or consumption by the end user under condition that comes from the states which do not allow the import or transit and total weight does not exceed 1 kg, if: 1) does not require temperature control prior to consumption; 2) Packed in original packaging; 3) the packaging is unbroken unless in current use. Certification, control and inspection; Food safety; Labelling; Packaging
Serbia Regulation on systematic monitoring of residues in animals, food of animal origin and feed 06/11/2009 This Regulation establishes a program of systematic monitoring of residues of pharmacological, hormonal and other harmful substances in animals, products of animal origin, food of animal origin and animal feed, which is attached herewith and forms an integral part. Animal feed; Animal health; Food safety; Maximum residue limits (MRLs); Pharmaceutical products; Veterinary drugs
Serbia Regulation on marking (seal) of food of wild animals 09/05/2007 This Regulation prescribes the form and content of a trademark or a safety of wild animals for human consumption, form and content of the mark, and the method and procedure of labeling of food of wild animal origin. Certification, control and inspection; Food safety; Labelling
Serbia Regulation on market authorization of medicinal products 01/06/2005 The Regulations define the content of the request, the procedure and conditions for obtaining authorizations for medicinal products (authorization) and the content of the required documentation, the conditions and documentation required to obtain permission from the summary documents; conditions, documentation, methods and procedures for change or the authorization (r referred to as variations) and the procedures and content documents needed for renewal. Labelling; Pharmaceutical products; Veterinary drugs
Serbia Regulation on license of the marketing authorization of medical devices 01/10/2006 The regulations define the content of the request, the procedure and conditions for obtaining an amendment and renewal of the marketing authorization medical devices (r referred to as licenses). Certification, control and inspection; Pharmaceutical products
Total number of records: 1210