SPS Database

Origin of Document Title Publish date Description Keywords
Serbia Regulation on the quality of green coffee, coffee products, coffee substitutes and related products 01/09/2012 This Regulation prescribes the requirements in terms of quality green coffee, coffee products, coffee substitutes and related products namely: classification, categorization and naming; sensory, physical and chemical properties, and composition; the type and quantity of raw materials, additives and other substances used in production and processing, methods of sampling and quality testing; technological processes applied in production and processing, packing and labeling; additional requirements for the labeling of products. The requirements stated in this act shall be met at all stages of production, processing and trade. Certification, control and inspection; HACCP Plan requirements; Labelling; Packaging
Serbia Regulation on the minimum technical requirements of food trade places 01/10/2009 This Regulation defines the minimum technical requirements in terms of space, machines and equipment for the transport of goods and services in trade of goods and commodities sold off and the conditions of the premises, ie. planks and similar facilities. Certification, control and inspection
Serbia Regulation on the minimum technical requirements for trade purchase places 21/05/2011 This Regulation prescribes the minimum technical requirements for trade purchase places where he buys agricultural products and livestock from farmers in terms of space, facilities and equipment, as well as ways of selling. The provisions of this act shall not apply to commodity exchange, fair, exhibitions and other economic event will market and the wholesale market, which is regulated by law. Animal health; Certification, control and inspection; Change in date of adoption/publication/entry into force; Food safety; Plant health
Serbia Regulation on the maximum allowable residues of pesticides in food and feed 01/06/2010 This Regulation prescribes the maximum allowable residues of pesticides in food and feed as well as food and feed for which maximum allowable residues of pesticides. Terms used herein shall have the following meanings: 1) acute reference dose (hereafter BA) is the estimated amount of a substance in food that is expressed on the basis of body weight, and that can be entered for a short time, usually during the day, without substantial risk to the consumer, with estimates performed using data from the relevant studies, taking into account vulnerable groups of the population, for example children; 2) The limit of quantification (LOD) is the lowest confirmed (validated) the concentration of residue which can be determined and communicated using routine methods of monitoring with validated (validated) methods of control; 3) The acceptable daily intake (hereinafter: ADI) is the estimated amount of a substance in food that is expressed on the basis of body weight, which can be entered each day in their lives, without substantial risk to the consumer, where the assessment is based on known facts at the time of evaluation, taking into account vulnerable groups of the population, for example children; 4) Proficiency Test is a comparative test of tests on identical samples performed several laboratories, allowing assessment of the quality of laboratory testing; 5) CXL are the maximum allowable residues of pesticides in food and feed established by the Codex Alimentarius Commission (Codex Alimentarius Commission). Animal health; Certification, control and inspection; Food safety; Maximum residue limits (MRLs); Pesticides; Plant health
Serbia Regulation on the maximum allowable residues of pesticides in food and feed 01/05/2013 Amendments - This Regulation prescribes the maximum allowable residues of pesticides in food and feed as well as food and feed for which maximum allowable residues of pesticides. Terms used herein shall have the following meanings: 1) acute reference dose (hereafter BA) is the estimated amount of a substance in food that is expressed on the basis of body weight, and that can be entered for a short time, usually during the day, without substantial risk to the consumer, with estimates performed using data from the relevant studies, taking into account vulnerable groups of the population, for example children; 2) The limit of quantification (LOD) is the lowest confirmed (validated) the concentration of residue which can be determined and communicated using routine methods of monitoring with validated (validated) methods of control; 3) The acceptable daily intake (hereinafter: ADI) is the estimated amount of a substance in food that is expressed on the basis of body weight, which can be entered each day in their lives, without substantial risk to the consumer, where the assessment is based on known facts at the time of evaluation, taking into account vulnerable groups of the population, for example children; 4) Proficiency Test is a comparative test of tests on identical samples performed several laboratories, allowing assessment of the quality of laboratory testing; 5) CXL are the maximum allowable residues of pesticides in food and feed established by the Codex Alimentarius Commission (Codex Alimentarius Commission). Animal health; Certification, control and inspection; Food safety; Maximum residue limits (MRLs); Pesticides; Plant health
Serbia Decision on fees for laboratory analysis of food and feed of plant origin taken during official controls 24/07/2009 This decision establishes the fees for laboratory analysis of food and feed of plant origin taken during official controls. Certification, control and inspection
Serbia Regulation on the assessment of self-control procedures in the feed business - HACCP 12/11/2009 This Regulation prescribes the requirements for the assessment of self-control procedures that a feed business operator for animals used in compliance with good manufacturing and hygiene practices and HACCP. Animal feed; Certification, control and inspection; Feed additives; HACCP Plan requirements
Serbia Law on tobacco and tobacco products 20/01/2010 This Law regulates the conditions and means of production, processing and marketing of cigarettes and processed tobacco and the manufacture, sorting and trade in tobacco products and keeping of registers, lists and evidential records, and determine the type of data on the composition and labeling of tobacco products; educate the tobacco Administration regulates and supervise the implementation of this law. Certification, control and inspection; Labelling
Serbia Amendments of the Law on tobacco and tobacco products 31/01/2012 Amendments This Law regulates the conditions and means of production, processing and marketing of cigarettes and processed tobacco and the manufacture, sorting and trade in tobacco products and keeping of registers, lists and evidential records, and determine the type of data on the composition and labeling of tobacco products; educate the tobacco Administration regulates and supervise the implementation of this law. Certification, control and inspection; Labelling
Serbia Law on excise 15/12/2012 This law regulates the taxation of excise. Excise products are taxed under this Law Certification, control and inspection
Serbia Regulation on conditions of trade of tobacco products 29/12/2005 This Regulation prescribes the requirements for conducting trade in tobacco products with respect to the use of adequate space for storage of cigarettes and other tobacco products ( cigarettes). Certification, control and inspection
Serbia Regulation on the records of tobacco producers, importers and exporters 01/06/2007 Regulation on the keeping of records by tobacco manufacturers, wholesalers and retailers of tobacco products, importers and exporters of tobacco, processed tobacco and tobacco products Certification, control and inspection; Labelling
Serbia Law on organic production 07/05/2010 This Law regulates the production of agricultural and other products to organic production methods ( referred to as organic production), the objectives and principles of organic farming, organic methods production, control and certification of organic production, processing, labeling, storage, transport, trade, import and export of organic products and other issues of importance to organic production. Certification, control and inspection; Food safety; Labelling
Serbia Regulation on keeping records in organic production 05/02/2008 This Regulation sets forth the manner of keeping records and the contents of the report on which records are kept in organic production. The records for the purposes hereof is unique and leads to the organic producers, processors of organic products, persons involved in the internal and foreign trade, as well as persons involved in organic production (referred to as a single record). Certification, control and inspection; Food safety
Serbia Regulation on placing on the market of genetically modified organisms (GMO) 01/04/2009 This Regulation prescribes the criteria and standards to meet the requirements for the placing on the market of genetically modified organisms (referred to as GMOs) and products containing genetically modified organisms that contain up to 0.9% (including the percentage of the net weight of the product) threshold of genetically modified organisms and impurities of genetically modified organisms (hereinafter: the GMO), to be met by the developer, user, or their authorized representative in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia to the GMO and GMO products (hereinafter referred to as the applicant) and the application form for placing on the market of GMOs and GMO products. Certification, control and inspection; Genetically modified organisms; Labelling
Serbia Regulation on control and certification in organic production 21/04/2011 This Regulation prescribes the conditions to be met by the control organization exercising the control and certification of organic production are, the methods of organic crop and livestock production, the length of the conversion period in crop and livestock production, operation control in organic production and control measures authorized organization is determined in the case of irregularities in the way of carrying out the production of organic products, content and form of records kept by the authorized inspection body and the manner of such records, the content and form of summary records, technological processings in organic production, ingredients, additives and auxiliary substances used in the processing of organic products for cleansing and cleaning process lines, and appearance on the national label organic products, and the method of storage and transport of organic products. Certification, control and inspection; Labelling; Packaging
Serbia Regulation on the graphic mark and the national character of organic products 14/04/2009 ThisRegulation prescribes the layout marks and national character which marks a certified organic product, as well as the appearance of labels marking the product of the conversion period. Certified organic product is marked with the "organic product" code of the authorized organizations and national character. Certification, control and inspection; Labelling; Packaging
Serbia Regulation on on packaging, storage and transportation of organic products 03/11/2006 This Regulation prescribes the requirements in terms of packaging, storage and transport of organic products. Packaging, storage and transport of organic products is done so that there is no: 1) interference with the production of conventional products; 2) contact with materials and substances whose use is prohibited in organic production. Certification, control and inspection; Labelling; Packaging
Serbia Regulation on conditions and manner of trade of organic products 18/01/2008 This regulation prescribes the terms and conditions of trade of organic products. Organic product, in terms of these Regulations, is any product manufactured and labeled in accordance with the Law on Organic Production and Organic Products ("Official Gazette of RS", No. 62/06 - hereinafter referred to as the Act) and the regulations promulgated thereunder. Certification, control and inspection; Labelling; Packaging
Serbia Regulation on organic methods of crop production and the collection of wild plant and animal species from natural habitats 26/06/2009 This Regulation prescribes the methods of organic crop production ( referred to as organic production methods), defining: the selection of species and varieties of plants, crop rotation, soil, means and methods of fertilization, soil fertility maintenance system and method for control of plant diseases, pests and weeds as well as the collection of wild plant and animal species from natural habitats organic production method. Certification, control and inspection; Labelling
Total number of records: 1210