SPS Database

Origin of Document Title Publish date Description Keywords
Serbia Regulation of industrial processes in the processing of products obtained by methods of organic production 07/05/2009 This Regulation defines the technological processes in the processing of products obtained by methods of organic production ( referred to as raw materials), method of cleaning and cleaning process lines, allowed ingredients, additives and excipients used in the processing of food for human consumption and animal feed ( referred to as food). The provisions of paragraph 1 this Article shall not apply to wine. Certification, control and inspection; Feed additives; Food additives; Labelling
Serbia Law on genetically modified organisms 06/02/2009 This Law establishes the procedure for approval for use in closed systems and the deliberate release into the environment of genetically modified organisms and products of genetically modified organisms, the conditions for use in closed systems and the deliberate release into the environment of genetically modified organisms, handling, packaging and transport of genetically modified organisms and products of genetically modified organisms, as well as other issues of importance to genetically modified organisms and products of genetically modified organisms. Certification, control and inspection; Feed additives; Food additives; Food safety; Genetically modified organisms; Labelling; Packaging
Serbia Law on agricultural policy and rural develoment 06/02/2009 This Law regulates: the objectives of agricultural policy and the manner of its exercise, the types of incentives in agriculture, the conditions for eligibility for incentives, incentives to users, the Farm Register, recording and reporting in agriculture, an integrated agricultural information system, monitoring the implementation of this law. This law establishes the Department of Agricultural payment, as a body within the Ministry in charge of Agriculture and regulates its jurisdiction. Way of education, the structure and organization of the agricultural payments governed by an act of the Minister of Agriculture. Certification, control and inspection; Food safety
Serbia Law on organic production 07/05/2010 This law regulates the production of agricultural and other products to organic production methods ( referred to as organic production), the objectives and principles of organic farming, organic methods production, control and certification of organic production, processing, labeling, storage, transport, trade, import and export of organic products and other issues of importance to organic production. Certification, control and inspection; Feed additives; Food additives; Food safety; HACCP Plan requirements; Labelling; Packaging
Serbia Foreign Trade Law 15/05/2009 This Law shall regulate foreign trade in accordance with the World Trade Organization (WTO) and European Union (EU), and the competence of the Agency for Foreign Investments and Export Promotion. Foreign trade operations of the foreign trade in goods and services and engage in economic activities of foreign persons in the Republic of Serbia and the local people in another country or customs territory. Foreign trade in some goods and services can be separately regulated in accordance with WTO rules and EU regulations. Arms, military equipment and dual-use goods is regulated by a special law. Certification, control and inspection
Serbia The Law on Electronic Trade 02/06/2009 This Law regulates the terms and conditions of information society services, the obligation to inform service users, commercial messages, rules relating to the contract in electronic form, the liability of service providers of information society, supervision and misdemeanors. Certification, control and inspection
Serbia Decision on sugar exports to the European Union 02/10/2009 This Decision regulates the export to 30 September 2010th The 180,000 tons of sugar from the tar. no. 1701 and 1702 of the Customs Tariff, originating from the Republic of Serbia to the European Union in the amount and with the use of benefits, which the European Commission. 2 Exports of sugar from point 1 this decision is made on the basis of a license issued by the Ministry of Economy and Regional Development (hereinafter: the Ministry) according to the form attached to this decision as an integral part, on the basis of a request of a company or other legal entity Certification, control and inspection; Food safety; Labelling; Packaging
Serbia Amendments of the Regulation on organic production 01/05/2012 AMENDING Regulationon quality assurance and certification in organic production and organic production methods Certification, control and inspection
North Macedonia Amendments to the law on veterinary issues/animal health 28/09/2011 Amendements to the Law on veterinary issues/animal health from 9/6/2007 Animal health; Animal welfare
North Macedonia Law on animal feed 28/10/2010 Law regulates basic and special reuirements related to animal feed, responsibilities of feed operators, authorities among them inspection services dealing with animal feed. To be implemented in all stages of production, processing and transportation, except in production for use on own farm. Animal feed; Certification, control and inspection; Feed additives; Genetically modified organisms; HACCP Plan requirements; Labelling; Packaging
North Macedonia Law on food safety 30/11/2010 Law regulates safety of food and feed in all stages of the food chain and established the Food and Veterinary Agency. Animal health; Animal welfare; Certification, control and inspection; Equivalence; Food safety; HACCP Plan requirements
North Macedonia Decision on classification of goods in export and import 18/03/2013 Goods can be categorised as those for which there is: - free export -export license, certificate, decision, etc needed - free import -import license, certificate, decision, etc needed Certification, control and inspection
North Macedonia Instructions for applying for import and transit of animal feed 01/02/2012 Instruction to use EXIM system when applying for import and transit of animal feed - with templates of documents Certification, control and inspection
North Macedonia Instruction for filling the import document for live animals 01/01/2012 Certification, control and inspection
North Macedonia Instruction for filling of the import document for food of animal origin 01/01/2012 Certification, control and inspection
North Macedonia List of goods which are subject to the official veterinary border control 09/08/2012 Certification, control and inspection
North Macedonia List of animal products and by-products not subject to the official veterinary control 20/04/2011 Chocolate, bread, biscuits, cakes, empty cpsules made of gelatine;olives filled with fish; detetic products containing glicosamine, chondroitine and chytosane; meat extracts and concentrates;noodles filled with meat, soups with meat extracts; food in small quantities intended for personal use only. Certification, control and inspection
North Macedonia List of raw matherials, matherials and other products which prohibited for placing at the market 27/11/2012 Feces urine and content of the digestive tract, skins treeted with tanning substances, seeds and seedling treated with pesticides, wood and wooden parts treated with preservatives and pesticides, waste generated from waste waters. Certification, control and inspection
North Macedonia Rulebook on MRLs in animal feed 06/04/2012 Animal feed; Certification, control and inspection; Heavy metals; Maximum residue limits (MRLs)
North Macedonia Order on monitoring of contaminants in animals and food of animal origin 22/12/2011 Bacteria; Certification, control and inspection; Contaminants; Food safety
Total number of records: 1210