SPS Database

Origin of Document Title Publish date Description Keywords
North Macedonia Rulebook on general hygiene requirements in primary production 12/01/2012 On requirements in primary production of food of animal and plant origin - buildings, transportation vehicles, water, personal hygiene, waste, etc. Certification, control and inspection; Food safety
North Macedonia Rulebook on matherials to come in contact with food 26/10/2012 On general requirements for matherials to come in contact with food. Food safety; Labelling
North Macedonia Rulebook on transportation of animals and products of animal origin 19/04/2010 On veterinary sertificate accompaning goods; inspection of consignments in import and transit; list of third countries from which import and transit is allowed. Models of veterinary certificates are given. Certification, control and inspection
North Macedonia Rulebook on issuing the certificate on food safety 13/04/2011 On certificate to be issued based on laboratry tests of food and matherials in contact with food. On the fee for the certificate. For food to be placed at the market in Macedonia (local production or imported), as well as for products to be exported from Macedonia. Certification, control and inspection; Equivalence; Food safety
North Macedonia Rulebook for issuing of approvals for release of GMO products at the market 26/09/2011 On reuirements to be fullfiled by the operator in order to get the approval for release of GMO products at the Macedonian market. On fees for the certificate. Certification, control and inspection; Genetically modified organisms
North Macedonia Rlebook on labelling of meat and meat products 04/04/2011 Instructions on labelling of meat and products prodced in Macedonia and comming from third countries. Instruction on declaration of quality of meat. Labelling
North Macedonia Rulebook on labelling of poultry meat 11/03/2011 Specific requirements related to the : type of chilling/cooling of meat; breeding and animal welfare rules. Animal welfare; Labelling
North Macedonia Rulebook on labelling of eggs 11/03/2011 On labelling of whole eggs to be placed at the market or incubated. Labelling
North Macedonia Rulebook on licensing of transporters of food and other products of animal origin 08/05/2012 On data to be presented in order to get the license for transportation of foood and other products of animal origin. Certification, control and inspection
North Macedonia Rulebook on the methodology for the official control of food safety 01/11/2012 General rules upon which official controls are conducted. Certification, control and inspection
North Macedonia Rulebook on natural mineral waters 07/09/2012 Certification, control and inspection; Labelling; Packaging
North Macedonia Rulebook on notification of animal diseases and list of animal diseases 28/06/2010 Extensive list of animal diseases which need to be notified is given. Animal diseases
North Macedonia Rulebook on the methodology for the official control of animal feed safety 01/11/2012 General methodology for the control of feed safety are given. Animal feed; Certification, control and inspection
North Macedonia Rulebook on the methodology for the official control of food of animal origin 27/07/2009 Principles according to which control in different food operators is to be conducted. Certification, control and inspection
North Macedonia Rulebook on the official control on Salmonella 08/07/2011 On control of Salmonella in all stages of production. Salmonella
North Macedonia Rulebook on the official control of pesticides' residues 26/09/2011 Certification, control and inspection; Heavy metals; Maximum residue limits (MRLs); Pesticides
North Macedonia Rulebook on procedures for issuing of the approval for import of veterinary drugs 18/10/2012 All steps which have to be fullfilled in order to get the license for import of veterinary drugs are given. Certification, control and inspection; Veterinary drugs
North Macedonia Rulebook on quality of honey and apiculture products 06/05/2011 Labelling; Packaging
North Macedonia Rulebook on quality of milk, dairy products and starter cultures 04/07/2011 Certification, control and inspection; Labelling; Packaging
North Macedonia Rulebook on quality of porc carcasses 23/01/2012 Certification, control and inspection; Labelling
Total number of records: 1210