SPS Database

Origin of Document Title Publish date Description Keywords
Montenegro List of allowed plant protection substances 01/03/2012 This list has been established in accordance to the Annex I of active substances allowed for use in Plant Protection Products Directive of the Council of 15 July in 1991. year in relation to the marketing of plant protection products (91/414/EEC), and is full transposed. Food safety; Plant diseases; Plant health
Montenegro Rulebook on hygiene of food 16/02/2009 This Regulation lays down the detailed conditions and manner of fulfilling the general hygiene requirements for food business operators of animal origin (r referred to as business operators) at all stages of production and distribution of food of animal origin and primary production of food of animal and plant origin with accompanying activities. General hygiene requirements of paragraph 1 of this Article shall apply to: 1) The requirements for structures and facilities for the production and distribution of food; 2) transportation; 3) equipment; 4) water supply and wastewater discharge; 5) The personal hygiene of staff; 6) training of staff; 7) thermal processing; 8) food of animal origin (products and resources); 9) wrapping and packaging; 10) waste food of animal origin. Certification, control and inspection; Food safety; HACCP Plan requirements; Labelling; Packaging
Montenegro Rulebook on measures of prevention of Dryocosmus kuriphilus Yasumatsu 26/03/2012 This Rulebook defines the phytosanitary measures to prevent the introduction, spread and control of chestnut axis midge - Dryocosmus kuriphilus Yasumatsu. Host plants in terms of Rulebook the plants and parts of plants of the genus Castanea Mill. intended for planting, other than fruit and seeds. In this regulation was transferred to Commission Decision 2006/464/EC of 27 June 2006th on measures to prevent the introduction and spread of harmful organisms Dryocosmus kuriphilus Yasumatsu and its expansion into the Community (2006/464/EC: Commission Decision of 27 June 2006 on provisional emergency measures to prevent the introduction into and the spread within the Community of Dryocosmus kuriphilus Yasumatsu) . Plant diseases; Plant health
Montenegro Rulebook on Phytosanitary measures to prevent the introduction and spread of pests and list of harmful organisms 28/07/2011 This Rulebook lays down: the list of harmful organisms, plants, plant products and under control, phytosanitary measures to prevent the introduction and spread of measures to combat harmful organisms, the manner of phytosanitary inspection of plants, as well as the minimum number and sample size shipment, small amounts of certain types of plants and plant products, and form content of phyto and phyto re-export conditions under which it can accept a certified copy of the phytosanitary certificate and phytosanitary certificate issued in the exporting country that has not ratified the International Convention for the Protection of Plants, way announcement and shipment form for phytosanitary inspection, specify the conditions under which they apply phytosanitary measures, the form and content of the tag when importing consignments of plants, form, manner and time of application for phyto and phyto for re-export, place and manner of phytosanitary inspection of plants to be exported, as well as mandatory phytosanitary inspection of the consignment in transit, in the case of accident or reasonable suspicion that the risk of introduction and spread of harmful organisms. Certification, control and inspection; Plant diseases; Plant health
Montenegro Rulebook on phytosanitary measures on prevention of Anoplophora chinesis (Forster) 09/02/2012 This Rulebook defines the phytosanitary measures to prevent the introduction, spread, control Anoplophora chinesis (Forster) and transfer of certain plants. Specific plants for the purposes hereof the plants intended for planting, other than seeds of the genera and species: Acer, Aesculus hippocastanum, Alnus, Betula, Carpinus, Citrus, Prunus, Cotoneaster, Fagus, Lagerstroemia, Malus, Platanus, Populus, Prunus, Pyrus, Rosa , Salix and Ulmus. The following Regulations are transposed: Commission Decision 2008/840/EC of 07 November 2008, and the Commission Decision 2010/380/EU of 7 July 2010 on emergency measures to prevent the introduction and spread of harmful organisms Anoplofora chinensis (Forster) (Commission Decision of 7 November 2008 on emergency measures to prevent the introduction into and the spread within the Community of Anoplophora chinensis (Forster) and Commission Decision 2010/380/EU of 7 June 2010) Plant diseases; Plant health
Montenegro Rulebook on measures on prevention of Cacoecimorpha pronubana 26/03/2012 This Rulebook prescribes the measures to prevent the introduction, spread and control of the Mediterranean carnation moth Cacoecimorpha pronubana Hb. and the South African carnation moth Epichoristodes acerbella (Walk.) Diak. (hereinafter referred to as moth carnations). The Council Directive 74/647 / / EEC of 9 December in 1974. on the control of carnation moth (COUNCIL DIRECTIVE of 9 December 1974 on control of carnation leaf-rollers (74/647/EEC)) has been transferred into this Rulebook. Plant diseases; Plant health
Montenegro Rulebook on measures on prevention of Pepino mosaic virus 01/11/2011 This Rulebook defines the phytosanitary measures to prevent the introduction and spread of suppression mosaic virus pepina - Pepino mosaic virus, which is transmitted by seed tomato - Lycopersicon lycopersicum (L.) Karsten ex Farw. In these Regulations transposed Commission Decision 2004/200/EC of 27 February 2004th on measures to prevent the introduction and spread of Pepino mosaic virus and the Community (2004/200/EC: Commission Decision of 27 February 2004 on measures to prevent the introduction into and the spread within the Community of Pepino mosaic virus). Plant diseases; Plant health
Montenegro Rulebook on measures on prevention of Phytophthora ramorum suppression Werres 09/02/2012 This Rulebook defines the phytosanitary measures to prevent the introduction and spread of Phytophthora ramorum suppression Werres, De Cock & Man in 't Veld sp. November (hereinafter referred to as the harmful organism) on susceptible plants, sensitive and delicate tree bark. The following Regulations are transposed in this Rulebook: Commission Decision 2002/757/EC of 19 September 2002nd on provisional emergency phytosanitary measures to prevent the introduction of harmful organisms spreading Phytophthora ramorum Werres, De Cock & Man in 't Veld. sp. November the Community, as amended and supplemented by Commission Decision 2004/426/EC of 29 April 2004th and Commission Decision 2007/201/EC of 27 March, 2007. (Commission Decision of 19 September 2002 on provisional emergency phytosanitary measures to prevent the introduction into and the spread within the Community of Phytophthora ramorum Werres, De Cock & Man in 't Veld. Sp. November amended by: Commission Decision 2004/426 / EC. Plant diseases; Plant health
Montenegro Rulebook on measures on prevention of potato brown rot and bacterial wilt of potato and tomato caused by Ralstonia solanacearum (Smith) Yabuuchi et al. (Harmful organisms) 16/11/2010 This Rulebook defines the phytosanitary measures for the implementation of systematic research to establish the presence, extent, prevent the spread and eradication of potato brown rot and bacterial wilt of potato and tomato caused by Ralstonia solanacearum (Smith) Yabuuchi et al. (Harmful organisms), previously known as Pseudomonas solanacearum (Smith) Smith, and laboratory testing for the diagnosis, detection and identification of harmful organism. This Rulebook is harmonized with the Council Directive 98/57/EC of 20 July 1998 on the control of Ralstonia solanacearum (Smith) Yabuuchi et al., The causal agent of potato brown rot and bacterial wilt of potato and tomato. Plant diseases; Plant health
Montenegro Rulebook on measures on prevention of potato cyst nematodes (KCN) 15/08/2010 This Rulebook defines the phytosanitary measures are implemented to determine presence, to prevent the introduction and spread and suppression of potato cyst nematodes (KCN), Globodera pallida (Stone) Behrens (European populations) and Globodera rostochiensis (Wollenweber) Behrens (European populations). Plant diseases; Plant health
Montenegro Rulebook on measures on prevention of ring rot of potato tubers (potato ring rot) 09/11/2010 This Rulebook defines the phytosanitary measures for the implementation of systematic research to establish the presence, extent, prevention of the spread, prevention and eradicate ring rot of potato tubers (potato ring rot) caused by Clavibacter michiganensis (Smith) Davis et al. ssp. Sepedonicus (Spieckermann Kotthoff) Davis et al. (referred to as the harmful organism) and laboratory testing for the diagnosis, detection and identification of harmful organism. This Rulebook is harmonized with the Council Directive 93/85/EC of 4 October 1993 on the control of Clavibacter michiganensis (Smith) Davis et al. ssp. Sepedonicus (Spieckermann Kotthoff) Davis et al., the causal agent of potato ring rot (Council 93/85EC Directive of 4 December 1993 on control of Potato Ring Rot). Plant diseases; Plant health
Montenegro Rulebook on measures on prevention of Potato spindle tuber viroid 14/11/2011 This Rulebook defines the phytosanitary measures to prevent the introduction, spread and control of Potato spindle tuber viroid are causing vretenavost potato tubers. The followinf Regulations are transposed: Commission Decision 2007/410/EC of 12 June 2007a. on measures to prevent the introduction and spread of the harmful organism Potato spindle tuber viroid, and its expansion into the Community (2007/410/EC: Commission Decision of 12 June 2007 on measures to prevent the introduction into and the spread within the Community of Potato spindle tuber viroid). Plant diseases; Plant health
Montenegro Rulebook on measures on prevention of Thrips palmi Karny from Thailand 14/11/2011 This Rulebook lays down measures to prevent the introduction, spread and control of Thrips palmi Karny from Thailand. The following Regularions are transposed: Commission Decision 98/109 / / EC of 2 February in 1998. which temporarily allows Member States to take urgent measures to prevent the introduction and spread of harmful organisms Thrips palmi Karny from Thailand (Commission Decision of 2 February 1998 Authorising Member States temporarily to take emergency measures against the dissemination of Thrips palmi Karny as regards Thailand (98/109 / EC) Plant diseases; Plant health
Montenegro Rulebook on wood packaging materials in international traffic/trade 11/01/2010 This Rulebook defines wood packaging material in international traffic shall be treated and means in a manner and under conditions prescribed by the regulations. Food safety; Packaging; Plant diseases; Plant health
Montenegro Rulebook on mesures on prevention of Gibberella circinata Nirenberg & O'Donnell 27/03/2012 This Rulebook defines the phytosanitary measures to prevent the introduction, spread and control of Gibberella circinata Nirenberg & O'Donnell (referred to as harmful organism), and the occasion of the introduction and movement of certain plants. Specific plants for the purposes hereof the plants of the genus Pinus L. and Pseudotsuga menziesii, intended for planting, including seeds and cones, intended for breeding. The following Regulations are transposed: Commission Decision 2007/433/EC of 18 June 2007 on emergency measures to prevent the introduction and spread of harmful organisms Gibberella circinata Nirenberg & O'Donnell (Commission Decision of 18 June 2007 on provisional emergency measures to prevent the introduction into and the spread within the Community of Gibberella circinata Nirenberg & O'Donnell Plant diseases; Plant health
Montenegro Rulebook on requirements for the marketing and use of ammonium nitrate (AN) 01/04/2011 This Rulebook defines the specific requirements for the marketing and use of ammonium nitrate (AN) with a high concentration of nitrogen (CAS no. 6484-52-2 / EC no. 229-347-8) as substances that pose a risk to human health and environment. Plant diseases; Plant health
North Macedonia Decision on ban of import of live animals, fresh and frozen meat of domestic and wild bovine, equide, goats and sheeps and their embrios 06/03/2009 Ban relates to import and transit. The list of export countries is given in the annex. Animal diseases; Foot and mouth disease
North Macedonia Decision on ban on import of chicken abd their products from Romania and Turkey 14/10/2005 Measure applies to live birds, their meat, eggs for incubation, seed from insemination, meat and products only from Romania and Turkey. Animal diseases; Avian Influenza
North Macedonia Ban on import of birds, chicken and theri products from Croatia 27/10/2005 Animal diseases; Avian Influenza
North Macedonia Decision on ban on import of birds and poultry and their products from the EU 07/03/2006 Animal diseases; Avian Influenza
Total number of records: 1210