SPS Database

Origin of Document Title Publish date Description Keywords
North Macedonia Rulebook on processed organic food 26/11/2010 Certification, control and inspection; Labelling
North Macedonia Rulebook on procedures for organic production of vegetables 26/11/2010 Certification, control and inspection; Labelling
North Macedonia Rulebook on procedures in organic apiculture 26/11/2010 Certification, control and inspection; Labelling
North Macedonia Rulebook on safety, quality control, certification and sampling of tobacco products 09/03/2012 Certification, control and inspection; Labelling; Packaging
North Macedonia Rulebook on sampling of seed and planting material 01/03/2007 Certification, control and inspection
North Macedonia Rulebook on trade of oil and fiber plants 16/03/2007 Certification, control and inspection
North Macedonia Rulebook on trade of seeds of garden plants 14/05/2007 Certification, control and inspection
North Macedonia Law on animal protection and welfare 01/09/2007 This Law lays down minimum requirements for protection and welfare of certain types of animals regarding the breeding, keeping, care and housing, protection of animals in stock farming, the protection and welfare of animals during transport, slaughter and killing, the protection of dogs, pets, zoo animals and the protection of animals used for experimental or other scientific purposes. Certification, control and inspection
North Macedonia Law on animal by-products 01/09/2007 This Law lays down provisions concerning the categorization, collection, transportation, disposal, processing, use and storage of animal by products from the aspect of animal health and veterinary public health. Animal health; Certification, control and inspection
North Macedonia Law on geneticaly modified organisms 01/09/2008 This Law shall regulate the management of genetically modified organisms and combination of genetically modified organisms and the products which contain genetically modified organisms and/or are composed of, or originate from combination of genetically modified organisms including as well genetically modified organisms as a product, the measures for prevention and decrease of possible negative influences on human health and environment, as a result from limited use of genetically modified organisms, the deliberate release of genetically modified organisms in the environment or placing of products on the market which contain genetically modified organisms and/or are composed of, or originate from combination of genetically modified organisms including as well geneticallymodified organisms as a product. Certification, control and inspection; Genetically modified organisms; Human health
North Macedonia Law on veterinary medicinal products 01/09/2009 This Law lays down the requirements and procedures for approval and placing on the market, manufacture, import, ownership, trade, usage and control of veterinary medicinal products. Veterinary drugs
North Macedonia Law on plants health 04/05/2005 This law shall regulate the plants health, measures and obligations regarding the emergence of harmful organisms among plants, plant products and other objects, prevention from their entry and spreading, measures for eradication, biological measures for plant protection, access to and exchange of information and information system, expenditures and compensations, competence of the organs, authorised services, organs and bodies in the area of plant health, as well as other issues in the area of plant health. Biological control agents; Certification, control and inspection; Invasive species; Plant health
North Macedonia Amendments to the Law on plants health 1 07/07/2008 Biological control agents; Certification, control and inspection; Invasive species; Modification of content/scope of regulation; Plant health
North Macedonia Amendments to the Law on plants health 2 16/02/2009 Certification, control and inspection; Invasive species; Plant health
North Macedonia Law on plant protection products 01/01/2009 This Law regulates the authorization, placing on the market, use and control of plant protection products; placing on the market and control of active substances, considered as products; maximum residue levels; equipment for use of products; exchange of information related to products,production of products, register of legal and civil entities involved in production and placing products on the market; requirements for authorizations of the organs responsible for the implementation, monitoring and control of this Law. (2) Production of products, placing on the market for the needs of production of products, Certification, control and inspection; Maximum residue limits (MRLs); Pesticides
North Macedonia Law on reproductive material of forestry plants and wood 01/01/2011 On reproductive material for agricultural trees, forestry trees and decorative trees. Consolidated version consisting of provisions published in the Official Gazette of Macedonia No 55/2007 and 148/2011 Certification, control and inspection
North Macedonia Law on state agricultural inspection 16/02/2009 On organization of official controls to be performed by the state agrilultural inspection. Certification, control and inspection
North Macedonia Law on quality of agricultural products 01/01/2012 Consolidated version of laws published in the Offcial gazette of Macedonia No. 140/2010, 53/2011 and 55/2012 On marketing standards, classification, labeling,and IT system to support control of agricultural products. Also on marking of geographical orign of products. Certification, control and inspection; Labelling
North Macedonia Law on fertilizers 01/06/2011 Consolidated texts of laws published in Official Gazette of Macedonia No. 110/2007, 20/2009, 17/2011 and 148/2011. On production, placing on the market, import, use, identification, quality, samling, packaging, labeling, traceability, registration and control of fertilizers. Certification, control and inspection; Labelling; Packaging; Traceability
North Macedonia Law on plant health - consolidated version 01/06/2011 Biological control agents; Certification, control and inspection; Invasive species; Modification of content/scope of regulation; Plant health
Total number of records: 1210