SPS Database

Origin of Document Title Publish date Description Keywords
North Macedonia Consolidated version of the Law on plant protection products 01/06/2011 Certification, control and inspection; Modification of content/scope of regulation; Pesticides
North Macedonia Law on animal husbandry 14/02/2013 On animal breeding, genetic material, production of material for insemination and control of implementation of the law. Certification, control and inspection
North Macedonia Law on seed and reproductive material for agricultural plants 14/04/2011 On control and certification of seed and reproductive material of agricultural plants and trees, on preservation of national species, official testing laboratory, on reference material. Certification, control and inspection
North Macedonia Ruleebook on official control of organic production 26/11/2010 Certification, control and inspection
North Macedonia Rulebook on placing on the market of equidae 07/08/2013 Certification, control and inspection
North Macedonia Rulebook on import and transit of live animals and products of animal origin from third countries 18/07/2013 Certification, control and inspection; Food safety
North Macedonia Rulebook on placing on the market of sheeps and goats 15/07/2013 Certification, control and inspection
North Macedonia Rulebook on placing on the market of aquaculture 12/06/2013 Certification, control and inspection; Food safety
North Macedonia Rulebook on placing on the market of bovine animals and swine 29/04/2013
North Macedonia Rulebook on import and placing on the market of animal by-products 19/02/2013 Certification, control and inspection; Modification of content/scope of regulation
North Macedonia Amendment to the Rulebook on eggs 07/06/2013 Certification, control and inspection; Labelling
North Macedonia OBRISI 28/12/2005 Certification, control and inspection; Labelling
North Macedonia Rulebook on food additives 02/03/2012 Food additives; Modification of content/scope of regulation
Montenegro oBRISI 25/01/2013 Certification, control and inspection; Labelling
North Macedonia Rulebook on safety of fruit juices 05/04/2013 Food safety
North Macedonia Amendments to the Rulebook on food for special nutritive use 29/04/2013 Human health; Labelling
North Macedonia Rulebook on microbiological criteria of food 15/07/2013 In line with reg EC 2073/2005 Bacteria; Certification, control and inspection; Contaminants; Food safety
North Macedonia Rulebook on maximum acceptable levels of contaminants in food 18/07/2013 Certification, control and inspection; Contaminants
North Macedonia Rulebook on marketing of GMO food 09/08/2013 Certification, control and inspection; Genetically modified organisms
North Macedonia Amendments to the Rulebook on food additives 15/08/2013 Certification, control and inspection; Food additives
Total number of records: 1210