SPS Database

Origin of Document Title Publish date Description Keywords
Moldova Regulation on Registration of Veterinary pharmaceuticals 18/03/2008 Veterinary drugs
Moldova Decision on veterinary norms regarding establishing criteria for the eradication and control programs of animal diseases 29/12/2007 Animal diseases; Territory protection
Moldova Order on marketing of fresh poultry meat 06/10/2006 Food safety
Moldova Order on veterinary health of poultry meat 27/09/2006 Animal health; Avian Influenza; Newcastle Disease
Moldova Order on sanitary veterinary norms for heat treated milk 14/07/2006 Laying down methods analysis and testing of heat-treated milk for direct human consumption Certification, control and inspection; Labelling
Moldova Order on animal health conditions for the production of milk and dairy porducts 14/07/2006 Animal health; Certification, control and inspection
Moldova Order on sanitary veterinary norm on animal health of hunting wild meat 11/07/2006 Animal diseases; Animal health
Moldova Order on methods of analysis and testing of raw milk and heat-treated milk 07/07/2006 Contaminants; Food safety
Moldova Order on sanitary veterinary conditions for the production and marketing of rabbit meat hunted and farmed 14/07/2006 Animal health; Certification, control and inspection; Food safety
Moldova Order on sanitary veterinary norm in production and marketing of minced meat and meat preparations 22/09/2006 Bacteria; Certification, control and inspection; Food safety
Moldova Order on sanitary veterinary norm regarding the conditions for the production and marketing of fresh meat 14/07/2006 Animal diseases; Bacteria; Certification, control and inspection; Zoonoses
Moldova Order on sanitary veterinary norm regarding nitrogen in fish and fish products 12/12/2005
Moldova Order on sanitary veterinary norm on production and marketing of egg products 29/04/2005 Animal diseases; Animal health; Bacteria; Food safety; Labelling
Moldova Order on animal health conditions for the production and marketing of fishery products 24/11/2004 Animal health; Bacteria; Certification, control and inspection
Moldova Decision on the procedure for notification of a transport or harmful organism from other countries 06/08/2012 Biological control agents; Certification, control and inspection; Invasive species; Pests; Plant health; Territory protection
Moldova Decision on implementing of the Law on plant quarantine 31/05/2012 With list of quarantine organisms Animal diseases; Biological control agents; Certification, control and inspection; Invasive species; Pests; Territory protection
Moldova Decision on special requirements for entry and movement of plants, plant products and other objects 02/08/2011 With list of plants and plant products regulated under this decision. Invasive species; ISPM 15; Packaging; Plant diseases; Territory protection
Moldova Decision on emergency measures in the phytosanitary sector quarantine organisms 22/07/2011 Biological control agents; Invasive species; Plant diseases; Territory protection
Moldova Decision on protected zones and the rules for the movement of certain plants, plant origin products or other objects in a protected zone 22/07/2011 Biological control agents; Plant diseases; Regionalization; Territory protection
Moldova Decision on the state border crossing by car, transport of goods and passengers, amending and repealing certain acts 19/09/2008 Biological control agents; Certification, control and inspection; Plant diseases; Territory protection
Total number of records: 1210