SPS Database

Origin of Document Title Publish date Description Keywords
Kosovo* Administartive instruction on circulation of live animals in Kosovo* 30/06/2005 Animal diseases; Certification, control and inspection
Kosovo* Administrative instruction on Newcastle disease 22/04/2005 Animal diseases; Newcastle Disease
Kosovo* Administrative instruction on marketing authorisation for veterinary drugs 11/12/2006 Certification, control and inspection; Labelling; Veterinary drugs
Kosovo* Administartive instruction on quarantine for live animals 21/09/2006 Animal health; Certification, control and inspection
Kosovo* Administrative instruction on quality control of animal feed and additives 13/09/2006 Animal feed; Feed additives
Kosovo* Administrative instruction on quality of artificial fertilizers 01/08/2006 Certification, control and inspection
Kosovo* Administrative instruction on repackaging of fertilizers- amendment 01/06/2006 Certification, control and inspection; Labelling; Packaging
Kosovo* Administrative instruction on fees for importers of planting material 14/03/2007 Certification, control and inspection
Kosovo* Administrative instruction on MRLs- amendment 31/03/2008 Certification, control and inspection; Maximum residue limits (MRLs)
Kosovo* Law on consumer protection - Amendments 15/04/2009 Amendments of the Law on consumar protection defines the basic principles of consumer protection and inspection measures. Certification, control and inspection; Human health; Labelling; Pesticides
Kosovo* Law on livestock - Amendments 30/11/2010 Amendments of the Law on livestock stipulate legal conditions that the Law No.2004/33 livestock to be fully implemented, Animal health; Animal welfare; Certification, control and inspection
Kosovo* Law on Tobacco- Amendments 17/03/2010 "Based on Article 65, paragraph (1), Chapter IV of the Constitution of Kosovo*, Taking into account the need to amend and supplement the law No.02/L-36 on tobacco aiming to create necessary conditions for full implementation of this Law," Certification, control and inspection; Labelling; Packaging
Kosovo* Law on agriculture and rural development 27/07/2009 Propose of this Law is determination of the policies for the development of agriculture and rural development. This Law determines objectives, measures and programs of the agriculture policies and rural development based on Agriculture and Rural Development Plan. By this Law will be determined rules for providing agriculture public services, research and professional training, data base and information in field of agriculture policies and rural development. Certification, control and inspection
Kosovo* Law on apiculture 15/08/2008 This law is to regulate bee breeding, preventive measures to prevent and fight bee diseases, observation of facilities of the production of bees. Animal diseases; Animal health; Certification, control and inspection; Food safety
Kosovo* LAW ON ARTIFICIAL FERTILIZERS 01/09/2007 This Law is developed for the purpose of establishing rules for the protection of producers and consumers of artificial fertilizers and regulating the system of artificial fertilizers Certification, control and inspection; Human health
Kosovo* Law on fishery and aquaculture 01/05/2008 This law regulates the management of fishing resources and activities of fishery and aquaculture exercised in the waters of Kosovo*. Animal diseases; Animal health; Certification, control and inspection; Food safety
Kosovo* Law on import conditions 16/09/2011 This Law sets out the principles and procedures relating to application of safeguard measures in cases when a product is imported in Kosovo* in such increased quantities that cause injury or threat of serious injury to domestic producers of like or identical goods, with condition that those measures to be temporary and regular. Certification, control and inspection
Kosovo* Law on market inspection 01/02/2007 This law determines the inspective supervisory functions and operations ( the market inspection) and authorizations for market inspectors who implements inspecting supervisions. Certification, control and inspection
Kosovo* Law on market inspectorate and supervision 27/08/2010 With this law are designated principles, organizing, competences and procedures of inspection supervision of the market in Kosovo*. Certification, control and inspection
Moldova Law on control of import of animals 27/01/2009 Veterinary norm on animal and public health conditions and certification below-normal veterinary) establishes health conditions for imports of live animals in Moldova, except equine and fresh meat, including equine. present veterinary Standard does not apply to imports of meat products, animals domesticated for shows or exhibitions where these animals are kept or bred in natural conditions, no imports of non-domestic animals belonging to circuses or used for scientific purposes, including conservation or trial by a body, institute or center approved. Animal diseases; Animal health; Certification, control and inspection; Zoonoses
Total number of records: 1210