SPS Database

Origin of Document Title Publish date Description Keywords
Moldova Law on plant protection and phytosanitary quarantine 03/09/2010 (1) The purpose of this Act is to strengthen the legal and institutional framework in creating appropriate legal and economic conditions organizing the plant protection and plant quarantine, to ensure: a) mass prevention of spreading harmful organisms, avoiding crop loss and getting of high agricultural production, especially organic b) the protection of the country against the introduction, spread and / or migration, including in other countries, quarantine organisms. (2) The object of the present law is to: a) organizing and conducting plant protection and plant quarantine in Moldova, b) measures and activities for protection against the development or introduction of Moldovan territory of other countries, including through property Related subject to plant quarantine, pest, c) the relationship of central and local government authorities, natural and legal persons, resident and non-resident, regardless of type of ownership and legal form of organization, engaged in activities related to the production, storage, transportation, import, export, re-export, transit and sale of plants, living parts of plants, seeds and plant products related goods subject to phytosanitary quarantine and relationships arising in the exercise control over these activities. Biological control agents; Certification, control and inspection; Plant diseases; Plant health
Moldova Law on phytosanitary products and fertilizers 22/06/2004 This law establishes the legal and state policy in the sphere of activity of plant protection products and fertilizers, regulates their conditions of research, testing, experimentation and state approval, manufacture, import, transport, storage, marketing and use harmless to humans , animals and the environment, relationships for surveillance and state control over observance of the legislation, determine the rights and obligations of enterprises, institutions, organizations and citizens, powers of competent authorities in the field, the facts constituting the breach and liability for their commission. Certification, control and inspection; Pesticides
Moldova Law on veterinary activity 19/10/2007 ((1) This Law establishes the main rules and requirements veterinary Moldova, rights and obligations of the state, individuals and businesses in the production, processing, storage, transport and marketing of live animals and animal products. (2 ) The purpose of the law is to ensure animal health, prevention of disease transmission from animals to humans, achieve safety of animal products for human consumption, sanitation and quality of feed, testing and authorization of veterinary medicinal products and substances used in veterinary diagnostic activities , territory protection against infectious diseases by organizing veterinary work. Animal health
Moldova Law on establishing general principles and requirements of food safety legislation 18/05/2012 (1) This Act aims to achieve a high level of protection of human health and consumer interests on food safety, taking into account the diversity of food supply, including traditional products, ensuring the effective functioning of the national market. (2) the aims set out in para. (1) this Act: a) to establish general principles in the legislation on food and feed generally safe, in particular, b) established the National Agency for Food Safety, establishes and defines areas its competence and the Ministry of Health on food safety and animal feed, c) strengthen legal and institutional framework for food safety and animal feed. (3) The provisions of this law shall apply to all stages of the food chain. (4 ) Notwithstanding paragraph. (3), the law does not apply to primary production for domestic consumption or for the preparation, handling or storage of food for domestic consumption. The Law regulates responsibilities of food and feed business operators, risk analysis, traceability and establishes the Agency for food safety. The Law referes to principles given in the Regulation EC 178/2002. Food safety; Traceability
Moldova Law on the protection of animals used for experimental and other scientific purposes 28/07/2006 1) The object of this law is to regulate the use of animals for experimental and other scientific purposes. (2) This Law shall not apply to agricultural or veterinary practices nonexperimental. Animal welfare
Moldova Law on identification and registration of animals 20/07/2006 1) This Law establishes the basic principles governing the organization and conduct the identification and registration of animals in Moldova. (2) The provisions of this law shall apply to the identification and registration of bovine animals, sheep, goats, pigs, Horses, donkeys and their progeny derived by crossing except wildlife Animal health; Certification, control and inspection
Moldova Law on foodstuff 18/03/2004 1) This Law establishes the legal framework for the production, processing and distribution of food and basic regulating the circulation of such products, including ensuring the safety of the purpose of human health, protection of consumer interests in relation to food products, promotion fair practices in food trade. (2) This Law shall apply to all foods, including those fortified for particular nutritional uses, food supplements and other kinds of food for domestic placement. (3) This law does not Supply RAW MATERIALS for use in household or domestic preparation, handling or storage of food at home for private domestic consumption and food in transit or temporarily stored as goods transiting the country, where they do not present a hazard to human health or the environment. Certification, control and inspection; Food safety; Human health
Moldova Decision on approval of rules of hygiene in food production 25/05/2010 Based on Regulation EC 852/2004 Food safety; HACCP Plan requirements
Moldova Decision on approval of general hygiene rules of animal origin foodstuff 28/05/2010 Based on Regulation EC 853/2004 Animal feed; Food safety; HACCP Plan requirements
Moldova GDecision on approval of Rules on microbiological criteria for foodstuffs 16/03/2009 Bacteria; Certification, control and inspection; Food safety; Listeria monocytogenes; Salmonella
Moldova Decision approval of the Regulations sanitary on contaminants in food 22/06/2010 This Regulation does contain contaminants that may be present or foodstuffs and maximum levels of certain contaminants in foodstuffs (hereinafter - the maximum) and aims to protect public health. Aflatoxins; Contaminants; Dioxins; Food safety; Mycotoxins; Polychlorinated biphenyls; Toxins
Moldova Decision on the approval of sanitary-veterinary norms on protection and welfare of animals during transport 22/10/2010 Animal welfare
Moldova Decision for approval of rules for identifying and traceability of animals 18/07/2012 Traceability
Moldova Decision on sanitary-veterinary norms on control and reducing the prevalence of Salmonella in livestock 11/06/2012 Human health; Salmonella; Zoonoses
Moldova Decision on veterinary norm on sale and import of poultry and hatching eggs 01/06/2012 Animal diseases; Animal health; Salmonella
Moldova Decision on preparation, placing on the market and use of feed with medicated content 21/05/2012 Animal health
Moldova Decision on good practice production of veterinary medicines 15/02/2012 Veterinary drugs
Moldova Decision on control of substances and their residues animals and their products and residues as veterinary drugs in animal products 27/04/2011 Maximum residue limits (MRLs); Veterinary drugs
Moldova Decision on MRLs of plant protection products in or on food and feed of plant origin and animal 23/10/2010 Animal feed; Maximum residue limits (MRLs); Pesticides
Moldova Decision on imports and placing on the market of aquaculture and livestock products derived from them 06/12/2010 Certification, control and inspection
Total number of records: 1210