SPS Database

Origin of Document Title Publish date Description Keywords
North Macedonia Rulebook on quality and safety of food for babies and infants 21/02/2011 Certification, control and inspection; Contaminants; Food safety; Labelling; Maximum residue limits (MRLs)
North Macedonia Rulebook on quality of beer 25/02/2013 Certification, control and inspection; Labelling; Packaging
North Macedonia Rulebook on gums and elastomers to be used in production of baby pacifiers and rubber nipples 02/01/2013 On nitrosamines in food contact matherials Food safety
North Macedonia Rulebook on food for special nutritive use 15/11/2011 On food to be used in special physiological conditions, baby food, food for infants and small children and on food for those with specific digestive problems.
North Macedonia Amendments to the rulebook on veterinary quarantine- fish and aquaculture 27/08/2010 With the list of quarantine diseases Animal diseases; Certification, control and inspection; Modification of content/scope of regulation; Zoonoses
North Macedonia Amendments to the rulebook on quarantine - fish and aquaculture 09/02/2011 Animal diseases; Animal health; Certification, control and inspection; Modification of content/scope of regulation; Zoonoses
North Macedonia Rulebook on animal quarantine 02/07/2010 Animal health; Certification, control and inspection; Zoonoses
North Macedonia Rulebook on animal welfare during transportation 09/01/2012 Animal welfare
North Macedonia Rulebook on placing at the market of products made using new technologies 16/11/2011 Conditions for placing at the market, licenses, fees for obtaining of the license Biotechnology; Certification, control and inspection; Food safety
North Macedonia Rulebook on placing at the market of bovine semen for artificial insemination 13/11/2008 Certification, control and inspection
North Macedonia Rulebook on ceramic matherials in contact with food 02/01/2013 Food safety; Packaging
North Macedonia Rulebook on cereal based baby food 21/02/2011 Contaminants; Human health; Labelling; Maximum residue limits (MRLs); Packaging
North Macedonia Rulebook on quality of beef carcasses 30/01/2012 Certification, control and inspection; Labelling
North Macedonia Rulebook on control of Trichinella in meat 15/10/2012 On prevention, control and erradication of Trichinella. Animal diseases; Food safety; Zoonoses
North Macedonia Rulebook on food for energy restricted diets 09/11/2011 Certification, control and inspection; Labelling
North Macedonia Rulebook on food for specific medical purposes 11/11/2011 On recomended quantities of vitamines, minerals and other nutrients in food for babies, infants and small children and in dietetic foods. Certification, control and inspection; Food safety; Human health
North Macedonia Amendments to the rulebook on food for specific medical purposes 07/06/2012 Amendments to the rulebook on food for specific medical purposes issued on 11/11/2011 Certification, control and inspection; Food safety; Human health; Modification of content/scope of regulation
North Macedonia Rulebook on labelling 28/12/2005 Of final products to be sold to consumers. Not to be applied to food packed in the presence of consumers. Brought in 2005 by the Ministry of health but since December 2011 enforced by the Food and Veterinary Agency. Labelling
North Macedonia Rulebook on food sampling 30/06/2008 Issued by the Ministry of Health and since 2011 enforced by the Food and Veterinary Agency. Specific instructions on sampling of different types of food in retail. Certification, control and inspection; Contaminants; Dioxins; Heavy metals; Ochratoxin
North Macedonia Rulebook on general and specific reuirements for safety of animal feed 24/09/2012 Provides detailed requirements regarding processing, labelling, packaging, testing of feed. Animal feed; Feed additives; Food safety; Labelling; Packaging
Total number of records: 1210