SPS Database

Origin of Document Title Publish date Description Keywords
Serbia Regulation on Animal Welfare on farms 01/02/2010 This Regulation lays down in detail the conditions for animal welfare in terms of space for animals, premises and equipment in facilities where animals are kept and bred in production purposes, the manner of keeping, breeding and trade of specific animal species and categories, as well as closer content and manner of keeping records. Animal health; Animal welfare; Certification, control and inspection
Serbia Regulation on marking (sealing) of food of animal origin 09/05/2007 This Regulation stipulates the shape and contents of the seal and the health certificate for game meat for public consumption, as well as the shape, contents, mode and procedure of marking food of animal origin. Certification, control and inspection; Food safety; Labelling
Serbia Decision on ban of use of certain substances and medicines for use in veterinary medicine 18/11/2009 The ban on use of substances and medicines intended for use in veterinary medicine for the treatment of domestic animals, wildlife, fish and other food producing animals or production of products of human nutrition, is established for following: 1) beta-agonist; 2) bitionol silphoksid; 3) Aristolochia spp. and the its preparations; 4) dapsone; 5) colchicine; 6) qinoxalins: carbadox, olaqindox, ciadox; 7) lactons of rezorcil acid, including zeranol; 8) malachite green; 9) leucomalachite green; 10) nitrofurans: nitrofurazone, furazolidone and other nitrofurans; 11) nitroimidazols: dimitridazole, metronidazole, ronidazole; 12) nikozamid; 13) chloramphenicol; 14) chloroform; 15) chlorpromazine; 16) steroids; 17) stilbens, stilben’s derivatives and their salts and esters; 18) 17 beta-oestradiol and estar-like derivatives of 17 beta-oestradiol; 19) substances with gestagenic, androgenic and estrogenic action; 20) growth hormone; 21) thyrostatic substances. Animal health; Certification, control and inspection; Food safety; Human health; Pharmaceutical products; Veterinary drugs
Serbia Rulebook on hygiene of animal feed 14/10/2010 Provisions of these Rules shall be applied on all phases of production, processing and trading animal feed, including feeding animals used for food production (hereinafter: feeding animals), with the exception of: 1) private domestic production of animal feed, for: (1) animals used for private domestic food production for own purposes; (2) animals not used for food production; 2) feeding of animals used for food production for private domestic use or for direct supplying final consumer or local retail establishment for direct supplying final consumer, with small quantities of primary products, pursuant to separate regulation; 3) feeding animals not kept for food production; 4) direct supplying animal feed from primary production, for local-level holdings, with small quantities, for use on such holdings; 5) pet food retail. Animal feed; Certification, control and inspection; Feed additives
Serbia Rulebook on classification and handling of animal origin by-products 06/06/2011 This Rulebook more closely stipulates way of classification, handling of animal origin by-products, methods of their processing, hygiene conditions, manner of their loading, reloading and unloading, veterinary-sanitary conditions for construction of facilities, form and content of records kept in facilities for collection, processing and destroying of animal origin by-products, procedure for by-products in exceptional cases, manner of implementation of official control and self-control, as well as conditions for cattle graveyards and pit graves and manner of burial and incineration of animal origin by-products. Certification, control and inspection
Serbia Rulebook on Transmissible Spongioform Encefalopathy (TSE) 30/06/2010 These Rules lay down measures for early detection and diagnostics of infective disease transmissible spongioform encephalopaties, method of their enforcement, including measures for prevention of spread, control and eradication of this infective disease. Animal diseases; Animal health; Certification, control and inspection; Human health; Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathy (TSE); Zoonoses
Serbia Rulebook on medicated feed 10/10/2011 This rulebook closely enacts conditions for production of medicated feed, manner and procedure of declaration, putting into market and aspect of usage of medicated feed. Animal feed; Certification, control and inspection
Serbia Regulation on Residue Monitoring Programme 06/04/2009 National Residue Monitoring Programme is annual official programme of systematic residue monitoring on the territory of the Republic of Serbia. Regulation on setting forth the programme of systematic monitoring of residues of pharmacologically active substances, hormones and other harmful matters in live animals, products of animal origin, foodstuffs of animal origin and animal feedingstuffs, frequency of the residue monitoring, i.e. it stipulates the NRMP preparation and its implementation. Animal health; Certification, control and inspection; Food safety; Maximum residue limits (MRLs); Withdrawal of the measure
Serbia Rulebook on international Veterinary Certificates 18/10/2010 These Rules lay down methods and procedure for issuing international veterinary certificates for consignments of animals, animal-origin products, animal-origin, foodstuff, animal feed, animal-origin by-products and accompanying items (the consignment), including records of certificates issued. Animal feed; Animal health; Certification, control and inspection; Food safety; Traceability
Serbia Rulebook on hygienic-technical and working conditions of border inspection post (BIP) 07/05/2010 This Rulebook stipulates in detail the hygienic-technical and working conditions to be met at the border crossings where there are organized veterinary and sanitary controls and over which the import, transit and export of animals, animal origin products, animal feed, veterinary medicines and medical devices and related items is carried out Animal feed; Animal health; Certification, control and inspection; Food safety; Labelling; Traceability
Serbia Rulebook on veterinary-hygiene controls at Border inspection posts (BIP) 30/06/2010 These rules lay down types of loads subject to veterinary-hygiene checks and method for performing veterinary-hygiene checks of loads on border crossings with the existing organized, veterinary-hygiene checking. Provisions of these Rules do not refer to loads of pets, transported in company of their owners, dedicated to non-commercial purposes, apart from equidae. Animal feed; Animal health; Certification, control and inspection; Food safety
Serbia Rulebook on issuing of common veterinary entry documen 23/09/2010 These Rules lay down contents and layout of form and method of issuing common veterinary entry document. The common veterinary entry document shall be issued for loads of animals and animal-origin products, animal-origin food, animal feed and by-products of animal origin (product loads), arriving to border inspection posts with organized veterinaryhygiene control, pursuant to the law regulating veterinary matters. Animal feed; Animal health; Certification, control and inspection; Food safety
Serbia Rulebook on non-commercial movement of pet animals 01/03/2011 The Rulebook lays down requirements for non-commercial movement of pets which do not require import and transit permission, as well as form and content of the certificate for such consignments. Provisions of this Rulebook related to the following species of animal pets: 1) dogs and cats; 2) ferrets; 3) other animals, such as: (1) invertebrates, with the exception of bees and crustaceans, (2) ornamental tropical fish, (3) amphibians, (4) all birds species, with the exception of poultry, (5) reptiles, (6) mammals (rodents and domestic rabbits). Animal diseases; Animal health; Certification, control and inspection
Serbia Law on Plant Protection Products 30/06/2009 This Law shall govern the registration, control, circulation, importation, and application of plant protection products in agriculture and forestry, the tasks of public interest in the area of plant protection products, and other issues relevant for plant protection products. Plant Protection Products. Plant protection products, for the purpose of this Law, shall be: 1) Products for protection of plants; 2) Products of general use for plant protection; 3) Adjuvants; 4) Other plant protection products which contain one or more basic substances The products, which are used for the protection of plants in organic production; and the products which contain or are composed of genetically modified organisms, or which are obtained from them, provided that the intentional introduction into the environment, placement on the market or transit of such organisms is allowed based on the assessment of risk to the environment and human health, in accordance with the law governing genetically modified organisms, shall be deemed for the purpose of this Law as plant protection products. Certification, control and inspection; Genetically modified organisms; Plant diseases; Plant health
Serbia Law on Plant Health 06/06/2009 This Law shall regulate the protection and promotion of plant health; measures for preventing introduction of harmful organisms, for detecting them, preventing their spread and suppressing them; phytosanitary control; requirements for the production, processing, finishing, importation, storage and circulation of plants, plant products and regulated objects, as well as requirements for providing services in the sphere of the protection of plant health. Certification, control and inspection; Food safety; Plant health
Serbia Law on Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) 30/06/2009 This Law shall govern the procedure for issuing approvals for use in closed systems, for deliberate release into the environment, for placing on the market or for transit of genetically modified organisms and products containing genetically modified organisms, conditions for use in closed systems and for deliberate release into the environment of genetically modified organisms, handling, packaging and transport of genetically modified organisms and products containing genetically modified organisms, as well as other issues of importance for genetically modified organisms and products containing genetically modified organisms. Certification, control and inspection; Genetically modified organisms; Labelling; Packaging; Traceability
Serbia Law on State Administration 16/09/2005 The public administration is part of the executive authority of the Republic of Serbia, which performs administrative tasks within the jurisdiction of the Republic of Serbia ( referred to as affairs of state administration). Public administration consists of ministries, administrative bodies within ministries and special organizations.
Serbia Regulation on places, loading, unloading and handling with animals in transportation 25/11/2010 This Regulation lays down the detailed conditions to be met by the loading, handling and unloading of animals, places for rest and control station. Animal welfare; Certification, control and inspection
Serbia Regulation on the manners of keeping of dogs (dangerous dog) 06/09/2010 This Regulation prescribes the manner of keeping dogs that are kept as pets (dangerous dog), that may pose a threat to the environment as whole and people. Animal welfare
Serbia Regulation on conditions for animal welfare of kennel space for animals 03/02/2012 All animals must be looked after in ways that meet their welfare needs - ensuring they do not experience any unnecessary distress or suffering. This Regulation lays down the detailed conditions for animal welfare that must be met in terms of kennel space for animals, premises and equipment, contents and manner of keeping the records kept by the owner, or holder of the kennel, and training programs for the welfare of animals persons working in the kennels for the animals. Animal welfare
Total number of records: 1210