SPS Database

Origin of Document Title Publish date Description Keywords
Albania Regulation on cacao and chocolate 11/06/2008 Certification, control and inspection; Labelling
Albania Regulation on mycrobiological criteria in foodstuffs 10/09/2009 Bacteria; Certification, control and inspection; Contaminants; Escherichia coli; Food safety; HACCP Plan requirements; Listeria monocytogenes; Salmonella
Albania On the criterion of purity of food additives 09/01/2007 Food additives; Food safety
Albania Order on use of aromas in food products 27/04/2006 Food safety
Albania Regulation on marmelades, jams and chestnut puree 26/09/2008 Food safety; Labelling; Packaging
Albania Order on public health conditions in raw milk and products made of raw milk 07/10/2008 This regulation aims at defining the rules and modelof import certificate for raw milk and milk-based products. Animal health; Bacteria; Certification, control and inspection
Albania Order on use of sweeteners in some food products 16/12/2003 Food additives; Food safety; Labelling
Serbia Rulebook on food higiene conditions 05/10/2010 This Rulebook lays down food hygiene conditions in more detail, for all food business operators in all phases of production, processing and trading food under their control. Certification, control and inspection; Food safety
Serbia Rulebook on general and special conditions of hygiene of food of animal origin 18/03/2011 This rulebook closely stipulates veterinary-sanitary conditions, i.e. general and special terms for hygiene of food of animal origin which, in terms of building, i.e. reconstruction, must be fulfilled on facilities in which slaughter of animals is to be done, as well as production and trade of food and products of animal origin, and conditions of hygiene of food of animal origin for all subjects in business with food in all phases of production, procession and trade of food of animal origin which are under its control ( special terms of hygiene of food of animal origin). Animal health; Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy(BSE); Certification, control and inspection; Food safety; Human health; Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathy (TSE)
Serbia Rulebook on official control of food of animal origin 05/10/2010 This Rulebook lays down method and procedure of performing official control of food of animal origin and method of performing official control of animals before and after slaughter. Animal health; Certification, control and inspection; Food safety; Human health
Serbia Rulebook on microbiological criteria for food 30/09/2010 This Rulebook lays down general and specific food hygiene requirements in any phase of food production, processing and trade (microbiological criteria for food). Food business operators shall ensure that food comply with the relevant microbiological criteria set out in Annex I – Microbiological Criteria for food (Annex I), which is printed and attached to this Rulebook as well as the measures that food business operators shall take at each stage of food production, processing and distribution, including retail, as part of their procedures based on HACCP principles together with the implementation of good hygiene practice. Measures from paragraph 1 shall ensure the following: 1) that the supply, handling and processing of raw materials and foodstuffs are carried out in such a way that the process hygiene criteria are met; 2) that the food safety criteria applicable throughout the shelf-life of the products can be met under reasonably foreseeable conditions of distribution, storage and use. Certification, control and inspection; Food safety; HACCP Plan requirements; Human health
Serbia Regulation on residue monitoring 30/10/2010 This Regulation sets forth the Programme of Systematic Monitoring of Residues of Pharmacologically Active Substances, Hormones and Other Harmful Matters in Live Animals, Products of Animal Origin, Food of Animal Origin and Animal Feedingstuffs, which is printed to accompany this Regulation and is its constituent part. Animal feed; Animal health; Certification, control and inspection; Food safety; Human health; Pharmaceutical products
Albania Decision on the organization of the National Food Authority 21/09/2009 NFA headed by the Director General and overseen by the board of the authority, which is responsible for ensuring that the NFA to perform the mission and fulfill the tasks assigned by the relevant legislation. 2. NFA General Directorate organized at central and regional departments, in every region of the country. 3. General Directorate function scientific committee and scientific panels and. 4. Directorate General has the following functions: a) Plans and coordinates the official control of food and feed, the plant protection and animal health protection, b) provides unified control practices of food safety and food animal, plant protection and animal health protection, national, c) coordinates the activities of laboratories authorized official control system of food and feed, plant protection and health protection of animals d) Provides analysis from other accredited laboratories, in case of impossibility of performing their laboratories authorized by the official food control, d) Conduct risk assessment process in the area of food and feed, plant protection and health protection animals; f) Perform scientific studies necessary to evaluate the risk to the safety of food and animal feed, plant protection and animal health protection; g) Prepare scientific opinion prior to placing on the market of GMOs and / or food new; h) Inform the public about the safety of food and feed, plant protection and animal health protection; f) Gives technical, administrative and scientific activities to provide scientific committee and scientific panels; g) Prepare an annual report assessing the functioning of the NFA; k) Prepare work plan and budget and medium-term NFA, approved by the board. Food safety
Albania Regulation importation, marketing, transortation, storage, use and disposal of plant protection products 20/08/2008 Certification, control and inspection; Pesticides
Albania Amendments to the Regulation on importing, marketing, transportation, storage, use and disposal of plant protection products 01/07/2012 Certification, control and inspection; Modification of content/scope of regulation; Pesticides
Albania Regulation on phytosanitary carantine 14/07/2010 Biological control agents; Certification, control and inspection; Pests; Territory protection
Albania Amendments to the Regulation on rules for registration of plant protection products 24/09/2010 CHANGES AND ADDITIONS TO THE DECISION no.1555, date 12.11.2008
Albania Guidance on phytosanitary measures to be applied on wood packaging material in international trade 09/06/2011 ISPM 15; Pests; Wood packaging
Albania Regulation on phytosanitary measures to limit bacterial (Erwinia amylovora (Burr.) Winsl. Et al.) 31/07/2007 Biological control agents; Certification, control and inspection; Territory protection
Albania Instruction on phytosanitary measures against Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. Sepedonicus, Potato Wart disease (Synchytrium endobioticum) and other vermin quarantine diseases 31/01/2007 This instruction is intended adoption of rules for the prevention, introduction and spread of quarantine pest of potatoes in the territory of the Republic of Albania, for maintaining cleanliness phytosanitary of this culture and to provide conditions for its eksoprt to international markets, especially those of the EU. Plant diseases
Total number of records: 1210