SPS Database

Origin of Document Title Publish date Description Keywords
Serbia Rulebook on infectious bovine rhinotracheitis and infectious pustular vulvovaginitis 01/06/1989 This regulation defines the extent of diagnostic testing, protective vaccination and separation of healthy from diseased animals in order to control and eradicate infectious bovine rhinotracheitis and infectious pustular vulvovaginitis ( IBR / IPV). Animal diseases; Animal health; Certification, control and inspection
Serbia Rulebook on Classical swine fever 01/06/2009 These Rules lay down measures for early detection, diagnostics, spread prevention, control and eradication of infective disease classical swine fever, together with methods for enforcement. Animal diseases; Animal health; Certification, control and inspection
Serbia Rulebook on Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathy 06/06/2010 These Rules lay down measures for early detection and diagnostics of infective disease transmissible spongioform encephalopaties, method of their enforcement, including measures for prevention of spread, control and eradication of this infective disease. Animal diseases; Animal health; Certification, control and inspection; Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathy (TSE)
Serbia Rulebook on trichinosis 06/06/2005 This Rulebook defines the measures for the prevention and suppression of trichinosis Animal diseases; Animal health; Certification, control and inspection
Serbia Rulebook on Avian Influenza 06/06/2010 These Rules lay down measures for early detection, diagnostics, prevention of spread, control and eradication of infective disease avian influenza with poultry, birds kept in captivity, Suidae, other animal species and wild birds, method for their enforcement, as well as methods for establishing boundaries of protection and surveillance zone. Animal diseases; Animal health; Avian Influenza; Certification, control and inspection
Serbia Rulebook on bovine tuberculosis 03/07/2009 This Rulebook establishes measures for the early detection, diagnosis, proliferation, control and eradication of infectious diseases tuberculosis, the method of implementation, as well as the method of determining the status of holding free of bovine tuberculosis. Animal diseases; Animal health; Certification, control and inspection
Serbia Rulebook on notifiable contagious animal diseases 01/07/2006 Rulebook on List of particularly contagious diseases and List of compulsory notifiable contagious animal diseases, notification and dinotification This Regulation issue the List of particularly dangerous animal diseases; List of compulsory notifiable contagious animal disease; way of reporting and de-notification. Animal diseases; Animal health
Serbia Rulebook on Newcastle Disease 01/11/2009 These Rules lay down measures for early detection, diagnostics, spread prevention, control and eradication of infective disease atypical poultry plague ( the Newcastle disease) with poultry, sports pigeons and other birds kept in captivity, together with methods for enforcement. Provisions of this Rulebook shall not apply to wild birds, living freely. Animal diseases; Animal health; Certification, control and inspection; Newcastle Disease
Kosovo* LAW ON AMENDING AND SUPPLEMENTING THE LAW ON WINE 29/07/2011 Certification, control and inspection; Food safety; Modification of content/scope of regulation
Kosovo* Law on conformity assessment 29/08/2011 "Importer is obliged to place on the market only products that are in compliance with the provisions applicable to such products. Before placing a product on the market, the importer shall ensure that the product is accompanied with the complete technical documentation, that the product bears the required conformity marking or other markings. The product also shall be accompanied by the required documents, as prescribed by this Law." Certification, control and inspection; Equivalence
Kosovo* Amendment to the Law on Tobacco 11/02/2010 Certification, control and inspection; Modification of content/scope of regulation
Kosovo* Law on biocide products 27/05/2009 "The goal of this law is to determine and regulate conditions for placing in the market and utilization of active substance(s) used for production of biocide products in Kosovo* and with this to protect human animal health and environment." Certification, control and inspection; Pesticides
Kosovo* AMENDMENT OF THE LAW NO. 2004/17 ON CONSUMER PROTECTION 12/03/2009 Relating to: “Public services” means distribution or/and supply with the electric energy, gas, thermal energy, potable water, drainage and purification of waste waters, transport of passengers in the public transport, postal services, maintenance of cleanliness, as well as deposits of municipal garbage. “Selling in action” means selling of a certain amount of goods of a producer, in a certain period of time, and in a certain location with the price which is lower than the market price in the regular sale. “The selling and buying in distance” means the possibility of buying goods and services, without physical presence of sellers and consumers, through letters, fax, telephone, correspondence or through internet. Modification of content/scope of regulation
Kosovo* Law on food 12/02/2009 With objective to establish legal bases for regulation of the requirements in the field of food, public health protection and determination of quality and food safety. Establishing Food safety and Veterinary Agency. Giving responsibility to all stakeholders in the food chain. Certification, control and inspection; Food safety
Kosovo* Law on Agriculture Inspection 20/08/2008 Defining rules and duties of inland inspectors, types of inspection, measures to be performed by inspectors Related to inspectors of: -agriculture lands; -forestry and hunting; - plant’s protection; - livestock and fishery; -veterinary and food safety Animal health; Animal welfare; Food safety; Pharmaceutical products; Plant diseases; Plant health
Kosovo* Law on psycotropic drugs and their precursors 19/02/2008 If and when used in veterinary medicine.- lists of allowed and not allowed substances and precursors. Animal health; Veterinary drugs
Kosovo* Law on organic farming 17/09/2007 This Law shall apply for the products, where such products bear indicators referring to the organic production method as following: (a) unprocessed agricultural crop products, also livestock and unprocessed livestock products, produced in compliance with principles of production and their specific inspection rules, are introduced in Annexes I and III of this Law; b) processed agricultural crop and livestock products intended for human consumption prepared essentially from one or more ingredients of plant and/or animal origin; Certification, control and inspection; Food safety
Kosovo* LAW ON PROTECTION OF PLANTS VARIETIES 26/01/2007 This law provides the conditions for varieties of all plant genera and plant species including the cross-breeds between genera and species that may be protected by this law. Certification, control and inspection; Territory protection
Kosovo* Law on plant protection 22/12/2006 This law aims at: a). protecting plants, plant products and other objects; applying plant biological protection measures; b). designating the responsibilities and measures for the prevention of introduction and spread of harmful organisms in plants, plant products and other objects and for their eradication; c). collecting and exchanging information and data with other countries; d). financing and compensating works undertaken on plant protection, and e). designating responsibilities of organs competent for the protection of plant health and activities of the Phytosanitary Inspectorate. Biological control agents; Certification, control and inspection; Invasive species; Pests; Plant diseases; Plant health; Territory protection
Kosovo* Law on Tobacco 03/10/2005 To regulate and control tobacco products and its distribution in compliance with the public health objectives. Certification, control and inspection; Human health; Labelling; Toxins
Total number of records: 1210