Year | Reporting Economy | Destination | Sector | Import [€] | Export [€] |
2012 | Bosnia and Herzegovina | EU | 2 Crude materials,inedible,except fuels | 191.058.140,00 | 363.650.600,00 |
2012 | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Other EU Member States | 2 Crude materials,inedible,except fuels | 23.049.370,00 | 66.133.330,00 |
2012 | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Austria | 2 Crude materials,inedible,except fuels | 9.004.090,00 | 45.075.880,00 |
2012 | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Bulgaria | 2 Crude materials,inedible,except fuels | 552.170,00 | 2.294.880,00 |
2012 | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Croatia | 2 Crude materials,inedible,except fuels | 43.128.420,00 | 38.062.590,00 |
2012 | Bosnia and Herzegovina | France | 2 Crude materials,inedible,except fuels | 6.136.720,00 | 1.490.080,00 |
2012 | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Germany | 2 Crude materials,inedible,except fuels | 11.496.660,00 | 63.318.560,00 |
2012 | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Greece | 2 Crude materials,inedible,except fuels | 66.197.180,00 | 476.650,00 |
2012 | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Hungary | 2 Crude materials,inedible,except fuels | 7.163.770,00 | 11.550.420,00 |
2012 | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Italy | 2 Crude materials,inedible,except fuels | 10.192.630,00 | 62.950.500,00 |
2012 | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Slovenia | 2 Crude materials,inedible,except fuels | 9.976.150,00 | 69.152.650,00 |
2012 | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Romania | 2 Crude materials,inedible,except fuels | 4.160.980,00 | 3.145.070,00 |
2012 | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Rest of the World | 3 Mineral fuels,lubricants and related materials | 173.889.640,00 | 29.774.200,00 |
2012 | Bosnia and Herzegovina | EFTA | 3 Mineral fuels,lubricants and related materials | 129.960,00 | 7.722.320,00 |
2012 | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Turkey | 3 Mineral fuels,lubricants and related materials | 825.370,00 | 10.114.920,00 |
2012 | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Russia | 3 Mineral fuels,lubricants and related materials | 707.392.910,00 | 130.240,00 |
2012 | Bosnia and Herzegovina | China | 3 Mineral fuels,lubricants and related materials | 9.320,00 | 0,00 |
2012 | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Albania | 3 Mineral fuels,lubricants and related materials | 0,00 | 4.234.740,00 |
2012 | Bosnia and Herzegovina | North Macedonia | 3 Mineral fuels,lubricants and related materials | 140.520,00 | 4.110.510,00 |
2012 | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Moldova | 3 Mineral fuels,lubricants and related materials | 0,00 | 97.560,00 |
Total number of records: 19429