
Year Reporting Economy Destination Sector Import [€] Export [€]
2017 Bosnia and Herzegovina Montenegro 4 Animal and vegetable oils,fats and waxes 388.150,00 449.090,00
2017 Bosnia and Herzegovina Serbia 4 Animal and vegetable oils,fats and waxes 56.768.010,00 485.710,00
2017 Bosnia and Herzegovina Kosovo* 4 Animal and vegetable oils,fats and waxes 1.830,00 2.628.970,00
2017 Bosnia and Herzegovina EU 4 Animal and vegetable oils,fats and waxes 34.135.020,00 5.829.510,00
2017 Bosnia and Herzegovina Other EU Member States 4 Animal and vegetable oils,fats and waxes 1.800.420,00 748.500,00
2017 Bosnia and Herzegovina Austria 4 Animal and vegetable oils,fats and waxes 332.120,00 2.097.350,00
2017 Bosnia and Herzegovina Bulgaria 4 Animal and vegetable oils,fats and waxes 7.272.890,00 19.220,00
2017 Bosnia and Herzegovina Croatia 4 Animal and vegetable oils,fats and waxes 3.300.030,00 490.190,00
2017 Bosnia and Herzegovina France 4 Animal and vegetable oils,fats and waxes 3.640,00 0,00
2017 Bosnia and Herzegovina Germany 4 Animal and vegetable oils,fats and waxes 1.168.050,00 640.400,00
2017 Bosnia and Herzegovina Greece 4 Animal and vegetable oils,fats and waxes 73.350,00 0,00
2017 Bosnia and Herzegovina Hungary 4 Animal and vegetable oils,fats and waxes 15.771.810,00 0,00
2017 Bosnia and Herzegovina Italy 4 Animal and vegetable oils,fats and waxes 2.594.090,00 0,00
2017 Bosnia and Herzegovina Slovenia 4 Animal and vegetable oils,fats and waxes 248.250,00 1.833.850,00
2017 Bosnia and Herzegovina Romania 4 Animal and vegetable oils,fats and waxes 1.570.380,00 0,00
2017 Bosnia and Herzegovina Rest of the World 5 Chemicals and related products,n.e.s. 44.038.960,00 117.323.300,00
2017 Bosnia and Herzegovina EFTA 5 Chemicals and related products,n.e.s. 27.782.170,00 2.041.660,00
2017 Bosnia and Herzegovina Turkey 5 Chemicals and related products,n.e.s. 46.083.880,00 11.940.540,00
2017 Bosnia and Herzegovina Russia 5 Chemicals and related products,n.e.s. 10.592.600,00 47.711.830,00
2017 Bosnia and Herzegovina China 5 Chemicals and related products,n.e.s. 27.418.170,00 1.476.620,00
Total number of records: 19429