Year | Reporting Economy | Destination | Sector | Import [€] | Export [€] |
2020 | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Italy | 3 Mineral fuels,lubricants and related materials | 162.840.020,00 | 10.647.730,00 |
2020 | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Slovenia | 3 Mineral fuels,lubricants and related materials | 5.496.420,00 | 9.375.220,00 |
2020 | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Romania | 3 Mineral fuels,lubricants and related materials | 3.022.480,00 | 51.700,00 |
2020 | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Rest of the World | 4 Animal and vegetable oils,fats and waxes | 5.072.280,00 | 5.746.950,00 |
2020 | Bosnia and Herzegovina | EFTA | 4 Animal and vegetable oils,fats and waxes | 73.360,00 | 0,00 |
2020 | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Turkey | 4 Animal and vegetable oils,fats and waxes | 452.910,00 | 42.523.790,00 |
2020 | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Russia | 4 Animal and vegetable oils,fats and waxes | 9.870,00 | 20,00 |
2020 | Bosnia and Herzegovina | China | 4 Animal and vegetable oils,fats and waxes | 12.940,00 | 0,00 |
2020 | Bosnia and Herzegovina | North Macedonia | 4 Animal and vegetable oils,fats and waxes | 5.580,00 | 432.820,00 |
2020 | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Moldova | 4 Animal and vegetable oils,fats and waxes | 0,00 | 7.280,00 |
2020 | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Montenegro | 4 Animal and vegetable oils,fats and waxes | 300.650,00 | 68.040,00 |
2020 | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Serbia | 4 Animal and vegetable oils,fats and waxes | 30.198.360,00 | 279.390,00 |
2020 | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Kosovo* | 4 Animal and vegetable oils,fats and waxes | 0,00 | 423.050,00 |
2020 | Bosnia and Herzegovina | EU | 4 Animal and vegetable oils,fats and waxes | 30.314.690,00 | 5.209.540,00 |
2020 | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Other EU Member States | 4 Animal and vegetable oils,fats and waxes | 1.237.510,00 | 160.340,00 |
2020 | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Austria | 4 Animal and vegetable oils,fats and waxes | 384.810,00 | 2.456.990,00 |
2020 | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Bulgaria | 4 Animal and vegetable oils,fats and waxes | 9.295.030,00 | 340.580,00 |
2020 | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Croatia | 4 Animal and vegetable oils,fats and waxes | 3.485.290,00 | 281.250,00 |
2020 | Bosnia and Herzegovina | France | 4 Animal and vegetable oils,fats and waxes | 44.600,00 | 0,00 |
2020 | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Germany | 4 Animal and vegetable oils,fats and waxes | 519.080,00 | 304.760,00 |
Total number of records: 19429