Year | Reporting Economy | Destination | Sector | Import [€] | Export [€] |
2022 | Moldova | Slovenia | 8 Miscellaneous manufactured articles | 553.860,00 | 10.570,00 |
2022 | Moldova | Romania | 8 Miscellaneous manufactured articles | 46.115.190,00 | 115.861.640,00 |
2022 | Moldova | Rest of the World | 9 Commodities and transactions not specified in the SITC Rev. 4 | 704.010,00 | 2.475.840,00 |
2022 | Moldova | EFTA | 9 Commodities and transactions not specified in the SITC Rev. 4 | 672.770,00 | 0,00 |
2022 | Moldova | Turkey | 9 Commodities and transactions not specified in the SITC Rev. 4 | 867.310,00 | 1.270.790,00 |
2022 | Moldova | North Macedonia | 9 Commodities and transactions not specified in the SITC Rev. 4 | 68.680,00 | 0,00 |
2022 | Moldova | EU | 9 Commodities and transactions not specified in the SITC Rev. 4 | 16.498.220,00 | 0,00 |
2022 | Moldova | Other EU Member States | 9 Commodities and transactions not specified in the SITC Rev. 4 | 6.052.420,00 | 0,00 |
2022 | Moldova | Austria | 9 Commodities and transactions not specified in the SITC Rev. 4 | 878.360,00 | 0,00 |
2022 | Moldova | Bulgaria | 9 Commodities and transactions not specified in the SITC Rev. 4 | 593.810,00 | 0,00 |
2022 | Moldova | Croatia | 9 Commodities and transactions not specified in the SITC Rev. 4 | 230.520,00 | 0,00 |
2022 | Moldova | France | 9 Commodities and transactions not specified in the SITC Rev. 4 | 572.450,00 | 0,00 |
2022 | Moldova | Germany | 9 Commodities and transactions not specified in the SITC Rev. 4 | 1.408.290,00 | 0,00 |
2022 | Moldova | Greece | 9 Commodities and transactions not specified in the SITC Rev. 4 | 127.940,00 | 0,00 |
2022 | Moldova | Hungary | 9 Commodities and transactions not specified in the SITC Rev. 4 | 106.630,00 | 0,00 |
2022 | Moldova | Italy | 9 Commodities and transactions not specified in the SITC Rev. 4 | 289.100,00 | 0,00 |
2022 | Moldova | Romania | 9 Commodities and transactions not specified in the SITC Rev. 4 | 6.238.720,00 | 0,00 |
2023 | Moldova | Rest of the World | 0 Food and live animals | 331.661.025,37 | 178.000.314,24 |
2023 | Moldova | EFTA | 0 Food and live animals | 24.003.571,76 | 7.935.780,46 |
2023 | Moldova | Turkey | 0 Food and live animals | 61.067.176,89 | 36.951.628,53 |
Total number of records: 19429