
Year Reporting Economy Destination Sector Import [€] Export [€]
2010 Montenegro Serbia 4 Animal and vegetable oils,fats and waxes 10.810.020,00 117.000,00
2010 Montenegro Kosovo* 4 Animal and vegetable oils,fats and waxes 0,00 7.960,00
2010 Montenegro EU 4 Animal and vegetable oils,fats and waxes 1.300.160,00 51.490,00
2010 Montenegro Other EU Member States 4 Animal and vegetable oils,fats and waxes 207.850,00 0,00
2010 Montenegro Austria 4 Animal and vegetable oils,fats and waxes 21.650,00 0,00
2010 Montenegro Croatia 4 Animal and vegetable oils,fats and waxes 148.610,00 0,00
2010 Montenegro Germany 4 Animal and vegetable oils,fats and waxes 169.530,00 51.490,00
2010 Montenegro Greece 4 Animal and vegetable oils,fats and waxes 33.750,00 0,00
2010 Montenegro Hungary 4 Animal and vegetable oils,fats and waxes 40.030,00 0,00
2010 Montenegro Italy 4 Animal and vegetable oils,fats and waxes 662.710,00 0,00
2010 Montenegro Slovenia 4 Animal and vegetable oils,fats and waxes 15.600,00 0,00
2010 Montenegro Romania 4 Animal and vegetable oils,fats and waxes 430,00 0,00
2010 Montenegro Rest of the World 5 Chemicals and related products,n.e.s. 33.864.410,00 2.740,00
2010 Montenegro EFTA 5 Chemicals and related products,n.e.s. 3.207.080,00 0,00
2010 Montenegro Turkey 5 Chemicals and related products,n.e.s. 1.263.050,00 0,00
2010 Montenegro Russia 5 Chemicals and related products,n.e.s. 336.740,00 0,00
2010 Montenegro China 5 Chemicals and related products,n.e.s. 2.665.140,00 0,00
2010 Montenegro Albania 5 Chemicals and related products,n.e.s. 744.940,00 226.220,00
2010 Montenegro Bosnia and Herzegovina 5 Chemicals and related products,n.e.s. 3.978.290,00 1.065.160,00
2010 Montenegro North Macedonia 5 Chemicals and related products,n.e.s. 3.937.990,00 90.750,00
Total number of records: 19429