Year | Reporting Economy | Destination | Sector | Import [€] | Export [€] |
2014 | Montenegro | Romania | 2 Crude materials,inedible,except fuels | 7.940,00 | 0,00 |
2014 | Montenegro | Rest of the World | 3 Mineral fuels,lubricants and related materials | 1.175.410,00 | 6.910,00 |
2014 | Montenegro | EFTA | 3 Mineral fuels,lubricants and related materials | 479.590,00 | 2.693.280,00 |
2014 | Montenegro | Turkey | 3 Mineral fuels,lubricants and related materials | 316.390,00 | 200,00 |
2014 | Montenegro | Russia | 3 Mineral fuels,lubricants and related materials | 129.330,00 | 0,00 |
2014 | Montenegro | China | 3 Mineral fuels,lubricants and related materials | 4.070,00 | 0,00 |
2014 | Montenegro | Albania | 3 Mineral fuels,lubricants and related materials | 9.451.250,00 | 11.330,00 |
2014 | Montenegro | Bosnia and Herzegovina | 3 Mineral fuels,lubricants and related materials | 20.155.070,00 | 1.551.870,00 |
2014 | Montenegro | North Macedonia | 3 Mineral fuels,lubricants and related materials | 352.310,00 | 1.600,00 |
2014 | Montenegro | Serbia | 3 Mineral fuels,lubricants and related materials | 28.461.910,00 | 39.561.280,00 |
2014 | Montenegro | Kosovo* | 3 Mineral fuels,lubricants and related materials | 0,00 | 55.950,00 |
2014 | Montenegro | EU | 3 Mineral fuels,lubricants and related materials | 175.956.530,00 | 4.560.550,00 |
2014 | Montenegro | Other EU Member States | 3 Mineral fuels,lubricants and related materials | 3.747.290,00 | 2.617.960,00 |
2014 | Montenegro | Austria | 3 Mineral fuels,lubricants and related materials | 844.050,00 | 11.440,00 |
2014 | Montenegro | Bulgaria | 3 Mineral fuels,lubricants and related materials | 18.780,00 | 0,00 |
2014 | Montenegro | Croatia | 3 Mineral fuels,lubricants and related materials | 28.950.860,00 | 0,00 |
2014 | Montenegro | France | 3 Mineral fuels,lubricants and related materials | 437.380,00 | 0,00 |
2014 | Montenegro | Germany | 3 Mineral fuels,lubricants and related materials | 1.066.630,00 | 0,00 |
2014 | Montenegro | Greece | 3 Mineral fuels,lubricants and related materials | 128.424.080,00 | 0,00 |
2014 | Montenegro | Hungary | 3 Mineral fuels,lubricants and related materials | 163.030,00 | 0,00 |
Total number of records: 19429