Year | Reporting Economy | Destination | Sector | Import [€] | Export [€] |
2014 | Montenegro | EU | 8 Miscellaneous manufactured articles | 78.254.350,00 | 2.910.620,00 |
2014 | Montenegro | Other EU Member States | 8 Miscellaneous manufactured articles | 13.710.610,00 | 981.930,00 |
2014 | Montenegro | Austria | 8 Miscellaneous manufactured articles | 2.987.700,00 | 110.480,00 |
2014 | Montenegro | Bulgaria | 8 Miscellaneous manufactured articles | 1.018.560,00 | 88.120,00 |
2014 | Montenegro | Croatia | 8 Miscellaneous manufactured articles | 5.423.540,00 | 493.870,00 |
2014 | Montenegro | France | 8 Miscellaneous manufactured articles | 4.120.130,00 | 28.860,00 |
2014 | Montenegro | Germany | 8 Miscellaneous manufactured articles | 7.789.720,00 | 126.800,00 |
2014 | Montenegro | Greece | 8 Miscellaneous manufactured articles | 1.632.360,00 | 4.990,00 |
2014 | Montenegro | Hungary | 8 Miscellaneous manufactured articles | 1.086.780,00 | 18.260,00 |
2014 | Montenegro | Italy | 8 Miscellaneous manufactured articles | 33.676.290,00 | 617.830,00 |
2014 | Montenegro | Slovenia | 8 Miscellaneous manufactured articles | 5.480.020,00 | 439.470,00 |
2014 | Montenegro | Romania | 8 Miscellaneous manufactured articles | 1.328.630,00 | 0,00 |
2014 | Montenegro | Turkey | 9 Commodities and transactions not specified in the SITC Rev. 4 | 0,00 | 18.940,00 |
2014 | Montenegro | EU | 9 Commodities and transactions not specified in the SITC Rev. 4 | 6.220,00 | 466.610,00 |
2014 | Montenegro | Croatia | 9 Commodities and transactions not specified in the SITC Rev. 4 | 0,00 | 466.610,00 |
2014 | Montenegro | Slovenia | 9 Commodities and transactions not specified in the SITC Rev. 4 | 6.220,00 | 0,00 |
2015 | Montenegro | Rest of the World | 0 Food and live animals | 31.028.000,00 | 458.000,00 |
2015 | Montenegro | EFTA | 0 Food and live animals | 615.000,00 | 848.000,00 |
2015 | Montenegro | Turkey | 0 Food and live animals | 2.550.000,00 | 10.000,00 |
2015 | Montenegro | Russia | 0 Food and live animals | 446.000,00 | 247.000,00 |
Total number of records: 19429