Year | Reporting Economy | Destination | Sector | Import [€] | Export [€] |
2016 | Montenegro | Croatia | 2 Crude materials,inedible,except fuels | 648.000,00 | 44.000,00 |
2016 | Montenegro | France | 2 Crude materials,inedible,except fuels | 32.000,00 | 1.000,00 |
2016 | Montenegro | Germany | 2 Crude materials,inedible,except fuels | 480.000,00 | 1.781.000,00 |
2016 | Montenegro | Greece | 2 Crude materials,inedible,except fuels | 1.614.000,00 | 582.000,00 |
2016 | Montenegro | Hungary | 2 Crude materials,inedible,except fuels | 244.000,00 | 0,00 |
2016 | Montenegro | Italy | 2 Crude materials,inedible,except fuels | 1.943.000,00 | 6.800.000,00 |
2016 | Montenegro | Slovenia | 2 Crude materials,inedible,except fuels | 355.000,00 | 3.084.000,00 |
2016 | Montenegro | Romania | 2 Crude materials,inedible,except fuels | 78.000,00 | 253.000,00 |
2016 | Montenegro | Rest of the World | 3 Mineral fuels,lubricants and related materials | 896.000,00 | 7.938.000,00 |
2016 | Montenegro | EFTA | 3 Mineral fuels,lubricants and related materials | 3.302.000,00 | 3.353.000,00 |
2016 | Montenegro | Turkey | 3 Mineral fuels,lubricants and related materials | 325.000,00 | 0,00 |
2016 | Montenegro | Russia | 3 Mineral fuels,lubricants and related materials | 92.000,00 | 0,00 |
2016 | Montenegro | China | 3 Mineral fuels,lubricants and related materials | 1.410.000,00 | 0,00 |
2016 | Montenegro | Albania | 3 Mineral fuels,lubricants and related materials | 3.040.000,00 | 289.000,00 |
2016 | Montenegro | Bosnia and Herzegovina | 3 Mineral fuels,lubricants and related materials | 6.199.000,00 | 4.885.000,00 |
2016 | Montenegro | North Macedonia | 3 Mineral fuels,lubricants and related materials | 543.000,00 | 0,00 |
2016 | Montenegro | Serbia | 3 Mineral fuels,lubricants and related materials | 37.476.000,00 | 24.933.000,00 |
2016 | Montenegro | Kosovo* | 3 Mineral fuels,lubricants and related materials | 0,00 | 56.000,00 |
2016 | Montenegro | EU | 3 Mineral fuels,lubricants and related materials | 134.255.000,00 | 10.194.000,00 |
2016 | Montenegro | Other EU Member States | 3 Mineral fuels,lubricants and related materials | 8.746.000,00 | 5.545.000,00 |
Total number of records: 19429