
Year Reporting Economy Destination Sector Import [€] Export [€]
2023 Serbia Croatia 9 Commodities and transactions not specified in the SITC Rev. 4 181.191.580,00 248.320,00
2023 Serbia France 9 Commodities and transactions not specified in the SITC Rev. 4 128.201.740,00 149.420,00
2023 Serbia Germany 9 Commodities and transactions not specified in the SITC Rev. 4 984.854.360,00 69.720,00
2023 Serbia Greece 9 Commodities and transactions not specified in the SITC Rev. 4 34.240.940,00 41.340,00
2023 Serbia Hungary 9 Commodities and transactions not specified in the SITC Rev. 4 241.237.100,00 68.420,00
2023 Serbia Italy 9 Commodities and transactions not specified in the SITC Rev. 4 350.905.980,00 4.369.030,00
2023 Serbia Slovenia 9 Commodities and transactions not specified in the SITC Rev. 4 256.949.570,00 1.982.550,00
2023 Serbia Romania 9 Commodities and transactions not specified in the SITC Rev. 4 101.222.760,00 105.260,00
2010 Kosovo* Rest of the World 0 Food and live animals 63.467.500,65 238.092,73
2010 Kosovo* EFTA 0 Food and live animals 417.613,32 148.378,71
2010 Kosovo* Turkey 0 Food and live animals 30.652.848,27 44.451,82
2010 Kosovo* Russia 0 Food and live animals 145.984,83 0,00
2010 Kosovo* China 0 Food and live animals 2.342.198,26 0,00
2010 Kosovo* Albania 0 Food and live animals 4.135.726,08 9.892.813,20
2010 Kosovo* Bosnia and Herzegovina 0 Food and live animals 12.619.780,75 75.152,01
2010 Kosovo* North Macedonia 0 Food and live animals 26.555.089,02 3.365.323,13
2010 Kosovo* Moldova 0 Food and live animals 20.739,84 0,00
2010 Kosovo* Montenegro 0 Food and live animals 249.911,30 1.866.057,39
2010 Kosovo* Serbia 0 Food and live animals 97.672.272,25 734.123,38
2010 Kosovo* EU 0 Food and live animals 116.116.432,75 2.345.347,36
Total number of records: 19429