
Year Reporting Economy Destination Sector Import [€] Export [€]
2012 Kosovo* Greece 8 Miscellaneous manufactured articles 2.204.365,30 39.016,05
2012 Kosovo* Hungary 8 Miscellaneous manufactured articles 1.598.161,06 0,00
2012 Kosovo* Italy 8 Miscellaneous manufactured articles 9.565.974,59 117.842,87
2012 Kosovo* Slovenia 8 Miscellaneous manufactured articles 6.090.526,78 19.178,19
2012 Kosovo* Romania 8 Miscellaneous manufactured articles 750.448,09 21.426,42
2012 Kosovo* Rest of the World 9 Commodities and transactions not specified in the SITC Rev. 4 101.023,93 0,00
2012 Kosovo* EFTA 9 Commodities and transactions not specified in the SITC Rev. 4 143.767,12 28.993,00
2012 Kosovo* Turkey 9 Commodities and transactions not specified in the SITC Rev. 4 51.926,28 245,00
2012 Kosovo* Russia 9 Commodities and transactions not specified in the SITC Rev. 4 73,93 0,00
2012 Kosovo* China 9 Commodities and transactions not specified in the SITC Rev. 4 18.742,85 0,00
2012 Kosovo* Albania 9 Commodities and transactions not specified in the SITC Rev. 4 15.774,80 13.392,00
2012 Kosovo* Bosnia and Herzegovina 9 Commodities and transactions not specified in the SITC Rev. 4 6.850,22 0,00
2012 Kosovo* North Macedonia 9 Commodities and transactions not specified in the SITC Rev. 4 37.299,95 500,00
2012 Kosovo* Montenegro 9 Commodities and transactions not specified in the SITC Rev. 4 2.366,00 315,06
2012 Kosovo* Serbia 9 Commodities and transactions not specified in the SITC Rev. 4 808.932,34 0,00
2012 Kosovo* EU 9 Commodities and transactions not specified in the SITC Rev. 4 592.718,78 37.407,62
2012 Kosovo* Other EU Member States 9 Commodities and transactions not specified in the SITC Rev. 4 76.216,07 0,00
2012 Kosovo* Austria 9 Commodities and transactions not specified in the SITC Rev. 4 31.155,74 0,00
2012 Kosovo* Bulgaria 9 Commodities and transactions not specified in the SITC Rev. 4 1.140,00 0,00
2012 Kosovo* Croatia 9 Commodities and transactions not specified in the SITC Rev. 4 213,00 0,00
Total number of records: 19429