
Year Reporting Economy Destination Sector Import [€] Export [€]
2011 Bosnia and Herzegovina France 6 Manufactured goods classified chiefly by material 33.403.670,00 13.352.150,00
2011 Bosnia and Herzegovina Germany 6 Manufactured goods classified chiefly by material 198.734.550,00 119.140.440,00
2011 Bosnia and Herzegovina Greece 6 Manufactured goods classified chiefly by material 7.943.830,00 4.263.240,00
2011 Bosnia and Herzegovina Hungary 6 Manufactured goods classified chiefly by material 37.261.980,00 42.662.070,00
2011 Bosnia and Herzegovina Italy 6 Manufactured goods classified chiefly by material 275.841.070,00 160.587.800,00
2011 Bosnia and Herzegovina Slovenia 6 Manufactured goods classified chiefly by material 112.434.870,00 53.672.860,00
2011 Bosnia and Herzegovina Romania 6 Manufactured goods classified chiefly by material 13.841.840,00 10.911.570,00
2011 Bosnia and Herzegovina Rest of the World 7 Machinery and transport equipment 147.932.500,00 9.521.030,00
2011 Bosnia and Herzegovina EFTA 7 Machinery and transport equipment 8.991.600,00 4.411.690,00
2011 Bosnia and Herzegovina Turkey 7 Machinery and transport equipment 59.307.490,00 3.934.690,00
2011 Bosnia and Herzegovina Russia 7 Machinery and transport equipment 6.439.310,00 1.918.240,00
2011 Bosnia and Herzegovina China 7 Machinery and transport equipment 154.685.550,00 1.846.180,00
2011 Bosnia and Herzegovina Albania 7 Machinery and transport equipment 1.030,00 993.970,00
2011 Bosnia and Herzegovina North Macedonia 7 Machinery and transport equipment 3.621.670,00 2.034.840,00
2011 Bosnia and Herzegovina Moldova 7 Machinery and transport equipment 980,00 217.190,00
2011 Bosnia and Herzegovina Montenegro 7 Machinery and transport equipment 788.020,00 6.695.490,00
2011 Bosnia and Herzegovina Serbia 7 Machinery and transport equipment 58.964.510,00 20.563.420,00
2011 Bosnia and Herzegovina Kosovo* 7 Machinery and transport equipment 47.540,00 1.662.110,00
2011 Bosnia and Herzegovina EU 7 Machinery and transport equipment 1.034.593.500,00 453.519.580,00
2011 Bosnia and Herzegovina Other EU Member States 7 Machinery and transport equipment 264.875.290,00 75.752.000,00
Total number of records: 19429