Year | Reporting Economy | Destination | Sector | Import [€] | Export [€] |
2013 | Kosovo* | Germany | 9 Commodities and transactions not specified in the SITC Rev. 4 | 512.117,23 | 2.604,40 |
2013 | Kosovo* | Greece | 9 Commodities and transactions not specified in the SITC Rev. 4 | 18.523,20 | 100,00 |
2013 | Kosovo* | Hungary | 9 Commodities and transactions not specified in the SITC Rev. 4 | 1.662,18 | 0,00 |
2013 | Kosovo* | Italy | 9 Commodities and transactions not specified in the SITC Rev. 4 | 75.892,48 | 0,00 |
2013 | Kosovo* | Slovenia | 9 Commodities and transactions not specified in the SITC Rev. 4 | 2.470,13 | 4.871,50 |
2013 | Kosovo* | Romania | 9 Commodities and transactions not specified in the SITC Rev. 4 | 771,00 | 0,00 |
2014 | Kosovo* | Rest of the World | 0 Food and live animals | 91.721.346,84 | 2.490.775,00 |
2014 | Kosovo* | EFTA | 0 Food and live animals | 2.132.980,27 | 391.352,57 |
2014 | Kosovo* | Turkey | 0 Food and live animals | 35.853.850,74 | 23.860,00 |
2014 | Kosovo* | Russia | 0 Food and live animals | 218.656,83 | 0,00 |
2014 | Kosovo* | China | 0 Food and live animals | 2.684.010,81 | 0,00 |
2014 | Kosovo* | Albania | 0 Food and live animals | 12.297.612,59 | 10.307.764,90 |
2014 | Kosovo* | Bosnia and Herzegovina | 0 Food and live animals | 14.192.389,32 | 183.435,20 |
2014 | Kosovo* | North Macedonia | 0 Food and live animals | 32.675.277,89 | 3.164.470,72 |
2014 | Kosovo* | Moldova | 0 Food and live animals | 32.005,50 | 0,00 |
2014 | Kosovo* | Montenegro | 0 Food and live animals | 1.341.549,72 | 855.528,22 |
2014 | Kosovo* | Serbia | 0 Food and live animals | 105.082.185,07 | 2.469.928,54 |
2014 | Kosovo* | EU | 0 Food and live animals | 161.844.227,87 | 5.584.859,87 |
2014 | Kosovo* | Other EU Member States | 0 Food and live animals | 32.248.253,15 | 1.398.215,46 |
2014 | Kosovo* | Austria | 0 Food and live animals | 8.914.301,88 | 547.777,03 |
Total number of records: 19429